How can I replace my CSS/PostgreSQL instance?


This document describes how to replace an existing CAST Storage Service(CSS)/PostgreSQL instance that has been associated and used with your CAST Imaging installation, with a new instance - for example, a situation where you want to retire an existing instance.

This process involves backing up all databases/schemas used by CAST Imaging and moving them to the new replacement instance and then updating your CAST Imaging installation to use the new instance.

Which databases/schemas are involved?

Not all databases/schemas may need moving - this depends on how you have deployed CAST Imaging. For example the instance you want to retire may only be used to store some schemas/databases, in which case you need to identify which items are involved, as listed below:


  • keycloak_v3


  • application schemas (per application):
    • <application_name>_local
    • <application_name>_central
    • <application_name>_mngt
  • CAST Health Dashboard schema:
    • general_measure (or other custom name)
  • persistence data schemas
    • admin_center
    • analysis_node

Step 1 - Backup and restore your Application schemas

Use the CombinedTransfer.bat batch file provided with CAST Imaging Core on any of your nodes, located here:


This tool is described in more detail hereexternal link.

Step 2 - Backup and restore other schemas

Use the CSSBackup.exe and CSSRestore.exe tools provided with CAST Imaging Core on any of your nodes, located here:


These are command line tools that can be used to backup and restore (to a different instance) any of the following schemas:

  • general_measure
  • admin_center
  • analysis_node

These tools are descibed in more detail here.

Step 3 - Backup and restore the keycloak_v3 database

Use PostgreSQL’s freely available tools to perform the backup and restore of the keycloak_v3 database:

Step 4 - Stop all CAST Imaging services

Use the Microsoft Windows Services control panel to stop all CAST Imaging related services:

Stop services

Step 5 - Update the analysis_node schema

On the new CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance, run the following query against the table database_connection_settings located in the analysis_node schema to update the host name of your CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance (i.e swap the existing host name with the new host name) so that the node(s) are aware of where the application schemas are located. Update new_host_name to match the host name/IP address of the replacement CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance:

UPDATE analysis_node.database_connection_settings
set host = 'new_host_name' where database_name='postgres';

Step 6 - Update references to the keycloak_v3 database

Locate the keycloak.conf file in %PROGRAMFILES%\CAST\Imaging\CAST-Imaging-SSO\conf and open with a text editor. Edit the following lines to match the details of the replacement CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance:

# The username of the database user.

# The password of the database user.

# The full database JDBC URL. If not provided, a default URL is set based on the selected database vendor.

Step 7 - Restart all CAST Imaging services

Use the Microsoft Windows Services control panel to restart all CAST Imaging related services.

Step 8 - Add the new CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance into CAST Imaging Console

Add your replacement CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance to CAST Imaging Console via Settings > Global Configurations > CSS and Measurement Settings. Enable at a minimum the CSS option and also the Measurement option (if you are storing the general_measure on the replacement CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance):

Add new instance

Step 9 - Final check - run analysis

As a final check, run a new analysis on an application whose schemas you have moved from the old to the new CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance:

New analysis

Step 10 - Remove existing CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance

If the new analysis is successful, you can now safely remove the existing CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance from CAST Imaging Console:

Remove existing instance