Version page

Note that the Version page is visible from wherever you launch the CAST Delivery Manager Tool. See CAST Delivery Manager Tool modes.

The Version page enables you to manage all aspects of your Version.

Version nameFieldDisplays the name of your Version. You can modify the name of your existing Version in this page if required:
  • When working with a CAST AIC Portal > Following a change of Version name, you need to use the Deliver action to force the change to be uploaded to the Source Code Delivery Folder.
  • When working directly from the CAST Management Studio > The change is implemented when you use the Save action.

The new version name can then be seen in the CAST Management Studio (Application editor > Delivery tab) after using the Refresh option. For other Delivery Managers working via the CAST AIC Portal, a Refresh/Refresh All will be required so that the change is downloaded to their local CAST Delivery Manager Tool workspace.

Note that you can only change the Version name when the Delivery State of the Version is:

- Not Delivered - Delivered (only when working directly from the CAST Management Studio)

View delivery reportThis option will generate an XML based report listing all items in the delivery, for example:
  • Projects found
  • Project removed
  • Alerts
  • etc.

The report will open with the default application assigned to open XML files. The report will only contain information once the Package action has been run.

This report is to be used to check the delivery.

Internal UUID

For internal usage. This value represents the path of the version folder, relative to the data directory of the Delivery folder. It speeds up access to the correct location in the Delivery folder.

Delivery StateDisplays the status of the Version. Please see Version status for more information. This field is read-only.
Copied from versionIndicates the Version that was copied to create the current Version - if applicable. See Add a new version for more information. This field is read-only.

If no previous version is displayed in this field, then you either have only one version, or you have chosen not to base your current version on an existing version (see Add a new version for more information about this).

Version dateDisplays the Version's date of release as specified when you add a new version. This field is read-only - it is not possible to modify the date of release.
Content stateIndicates the status of the Version's content. For example:
  • No package > The Version does not contain any source code packages. You need to Add a new package.
  • Not packaged > The Version contains source code packages, but they have not yet been packaged.
  • Packaging successful > The Version contains source code packages and they have been successfully packaged.
  • Packaging successful with X alerts > The Version contains source code packages and they have been successfully packaged, however some alerts were raised during the Packaging process. Please check the Source Package - Package Content tab for more information about the alerts.
Action requiredIndicates what CAST suggest you do next based on the content of the Current state column.
First Package DateIndicates the date and time the Version was first packaged. If the Version has not yet been packaged, then nothing is displayed. This field will always show the very first date/time the package action was run on the Version - even if multiple package actions have been run.
Packages section

This section lists any existing Source code packages that you have configured for the current Version and also enables you to add a Source package.

As such, you can use this to manage the source code that will be included in the current Version.


Use this button to Add a new source code package.
Use this button to Edit a Source package - the Source package page will be displayed enabling you to make the changes you require.
Use this button to Remove a Package.
  • When working with a CAST AIC Portal > Removing a Package will only remove it from the local instance of the CAST Delivery Manager Tool:
    • If the Package has not yet been packaged, then only the configuration files will be removed from the local CAST Delivery Manager Tool workspace.
    • If the Package has already been packaged, then the packaged source code and configuration files will be removed from the local CAST Delivery Manager Tool workspace (the original source code files will not be removed).
    • If the Package has already been packaged and delivered (but not Closed), then the packaged source code and configuration files will be removed from the local CAST Delivery Manager Tool workspace (the original source code files will not be removed). The source code package in the CAST AIC Portal (the Source Code Delivery Folder) will be left alone - it is not possible to remove a source code package from the CAST AIC Portal (i.e. Source Code Delivery Folder) once it has been delivered and when you are working via the CAST AIC Portal - this is the responsibility of the CAST AI Administrator.

      As such, if a Delivery (i.e. Version) is rejected by the CAST AI Administrator and to resolve the reason for the rejection you subsequently delete a package from this Delivery (i.e. Version), then the locally deleted Package will remain in the CAST AIC Portal (the Source Code Delivery Folder) even when you then re-deliver the parent Version (that locally does not contain the Package). As such you should inform your CAST AI Administrator that the Package has been removed - he can then remove it himself by launching the CAST Delivery Manager Tool directly from the CAST Management Studio. If he does not remove it, the Package will be offered for Deployment when the CAST AI Administrator sets the re-delivered Version as "current" and will also be downloaded by other Delivery Managers that use the Refresh/Refresh All option.
    • Note that you cannot remove a Package whose parent Version has been Delivered and Closed - i.e. in the Delivery Done state (see Version status). In this case, the Version and all its packages are read-only.
  • When working directly from the CAST Management Studio > Removing a source code package will remove it from the Source Code Delivery Folder
    • If the source code package has not yet been packaged, then only the configuration files will be removed from the Source Code Delivery Folder.
    • If the source code package has already been packaged, then the packaged source code and configuration files will be removed from the Source Code Delivery Folder (the original source code files will not be removed).
    • When Delivery Managers subsequently use the Refresh/Refresh All option, the source code package will also be removed from the local CAST Delivery Manager Tool workspace.

Remember that when using the CAST Delivery Manager Tool via the CAST AIC Portal you are always working locally until you use the Deliver action to upload any changes to the CAST AIC Portal (i.e. to the Source Code Delivery Folder). As such, if you have made changes and you have not used the Deliver action, these changes will be lost on removing the Source Code Package.

If you have:

- run the package action - and have added no further packages - and then delete a package, a revalidation process will be invoked the next time you run the package action to check for inter-package references.

For example:

- Package 1 = source package with project A that depends on project B - Package 2 = source package with project B (lib)

If Package 2 is deleted, the next package action will produce alerts on Package 1 - when investigated the alerts will state that there are missing projects/files/folders/resources (i.e. that belonged to the deleted Package 2).

Use these icons to change the order in which the source code packages are packaged (when using the Package action at Version level). This is useful when Packaging multiple Packages and the same resource can be found in multiple Packages - you can designate the order in which these resources are discovered to avoid the generation of alerts for missing resources (for example).
Use this option to run the Package action on all child source code packages of the current Version.

Table headings

LocationDisplays the physical location of the Source code package - this could be a file folder, a database or an SCM system. This is determined when you Add a new source code package.
NameDisplays the name given to the Source code package when it was created. See Add a new source code package for more information.
Content stateIndicates the status of the Source code package's content. For example:
  • Not packaged > The Source code package has not yet been packaged.
  • Packaging successful > The Source code package has been successfully packaged.
  • Packaging successful with X alerts > The Source code package has been successfully packaged, however some alerts were raised during the Packaging process. Please check the Source Package - Package Content tab for more information about the alerts.
Action requiredIndicates what CAST suggest you do next based on the content of the Content state column.
Other options
Detailed report on files foundDisplays a status message about the report on found files (see option below). When the report is ready to be generated, the status will say "Ready to export".
Generate report on found files
This option allows you to export the list of extracted files to a CSV file:


The report contains a list of files found during the packaging action, for example:

By default the CAST Delivery Manager Tool will suggest a filename based on the following rule:


This file will automatically be saved at the root of the Delivery folder.

You can manually modify the filename (but the extension will always revert to .CSV) and also use the Browse button to choose an alternative location in which to save the file.

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