Escalated Links represent an indirect link between two objects.

For example, a child object of one of the parent objects could be linked directly to another parent object, or a child object belonging to one of the parent objects could be linked directly to a child object of another parent object, thus creating an indirect link between the two parent objects.

Escalated links are represented in the Graphical View by a dotted red link between objects and can be expanded to display the constituent objects.

  • Escalated link between two Cobol objects:

  • After expansion:


  • An escalated link can be made of any number of indirect links, in other words, there may well be more than one object that interacts between two objects.
  • Escalated links are associated by default to the Escalated layer.
  • Escalated Links are denoted by the use of square brackets around the link type: [U]

Some programming languages are designed in a way that occasionally causes an Internal Escalated link to be created by the CAST analyzer. Internal Escalated links are denoted by the use of the "curly brackets" (also known as "braces") in CAST Enlighten around the link type, for example {U}.

An Internal Escalated link would be created when the calling object is not saved in the CAST Knowledge Base (i.e. a variable that is local to a function). As a result the analyzer will save the link and associate it with the parent of the calling object.

Typically, Internal Escalated links may be created when analyzing the following languages:

  • PowerBuilder (PB)
  • J2EE
  • Java
  • VB

Belongs To Links | Link Colors | Expanding Links | Understanding default Layers

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