Feature Improvements

Mainframe Analyzer - AIBTDLI interface is supported for IMS-DB

In CAST AIP ≥ 8.3.12, the Mainframe Analyzer now supports the AIBTDLI call for the link to PCB (IMS/DB)

This improved support will generate more links between cobol  section/paragrpah and pcb from psb file, which will in turn improve the completeness of transaction call graphs used for function point counting. 

CAST Upgrade batch file

CASTUpgrade_ServerConnection.txt - PASSWD_CRYPTED option

The option PASSWD_CRYPTED has been removed and it is therefore no longer possible to define an encrypted password for the CAST Storage Service operator user directly in the txt file. See CSSPASSWORD below for more information about how to workaround this.

CSSPASSWORD environment variable

A new environment variable called CSSPASSWORD has been introduced to allow the CAST Storage Service operator user password to be set prior to running the CASTUpgradeRun.bat file. This means that upgrades can be run unattended without needing to manually input the operator user password when the batch is run. To set the variable, use the SET option in a cmd Window prior to running the CASTUpgradeRun.bat file (enter the operator user password in place of <PASSWORD>:


Technology support changes

Please also see Technology coverage changes in CAST AIP 8.3.x for more detailed discussion of this subject.

CAST Management Studio CLI


An optional parameter called -appli has been introduced in CAST AIP 8.3.12. It enables you to specify an Application when the Management Service schema associated with the chosen connection profile contains multiple Applications:

  • If there is only one Application in the Management Service schema this parameter is optional, and should match with the existing target Application if it is provided
  • If there are multiple Applications, this parameter is mandatory and should match with an existing Application in the Management Service schema in order to synchronise the imported assessment model with the associated Dashboard Service schemas

See Automating CAST Management Studio tasks.

CAST Management Studio GUI

Change operator and guest user passwords

The Server Security tab previously available in the Management Service schema editor has been removed, as such, it is no longer possible to change the operator and guest user passwords for the associated CAST Storage Service:

CAST Storage Service / PostgreSQL

CSSResetPassword.exe (resetting Operator and Guest passwords)

In CAST AIP ≥ 8.3.12, resetting passwords for CAST Storage Service users is no longer possible. The tool CSSResetPassword.exe has been removed from the CSSAdmin folder at the root of your CAST AIP installation.

Custom database users

In CAST AIP ≥ 8.3.12 you are now free to create your own custom users and then use them with CAST AIP and related software - you need to have a minimum of one user with the SUPERUSER permission and then grant the "postgres" role to this user. You can create custom users using a tool such as PGAdmin or plsq.

An example SQL script for a user called "my_custom_user" is shown below:

CREATE USER my_custom_user WITH
	PASSWORD 'xxxxxx';

GRANT postgres TO my_custom_user;

Resolved Issues

The following table lists all bugs fixed in CAST AIP 8.3.12 

Ticket IDComponent/sSituationSymptomsInternal ID
14410CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerAnalyzing an application including T-SQL source code (Sybase or MS SQL Server database). 
And in the T-SQL source code a single Carriage Return (CR) character (ASCII code 13) is used as end-of-line encoding for one or more lines of source code. 

Note: The single CR character does not have to be the only way to encode end-of-line. There might be also lines using the combination Carriage Return + Line Feed (CR+LF or \r\n; ASCII code 13 followed by ASCII code 10) or a single LF as end-of-line encoding.
T-SQL Analyzer may report a syntax error for source code file containing a single CR character although the source code is syntactically correct. The syntax error is reported because the analyzer incorrectly skips the single CR character and concatenates the words (tokens) preceding and following the CR. 

15994Delivery Manager ToolWhen using the CAST Delivery Manager Tool to add a new version, the option "None" for "Copied From" is selected. Even though "None" is selected, when we see the version list, it displays that it is copied from the previous version.SCRAIP-34514
When using the tool CAST-AIPStorageMigrationTool.exe to move AIP schemas from Oracle Server to CSS3.SQL errors can be seen in the log generated by the tool. These errors refer to obsolete tables that are not required on CSS3.SCRAIP-34569
16283Application Engineering Dashboard (AED)When looking at the results of the rule "Avoid using Global Variables (C++) 
- 588".
The rule is being violated by a variable that is in fact a constant and therefore should not be flagged as violating the rule.SCRAIP-34551
When looking at the results of the rule "Avoid using empty SELECT ... ENDSELECT loop - 8126".A false violation of the rule is being flagged for code that uses a "UP TO 1 ROWS" clause.SAP-138
When looking at the results of an analysis.Links are being created between methods and unresolved objects due to a bug in the extraction process.SAP-141
16833Server Manager - Component ReinstallWhen using CAST Server Manager to perform a Component Reinstall action.CAST Server Manager crashes, however the log indicates that the process has completed successfully.SCRAIP-34718
16869CMS Assessment modelWhen attempting to import an Assessment Model with the CMS CLI command "ImportAssessmentModel".When the target triplet contains multiple Applications, the import will fail.SCRAIP-34810
When looking at the list of available extensions in the "Select extensions to install" dialog box in CAST Server Manager.Extensions are listed in alpha-numeric order which can sometimes give strange results (i.e. most recent version listed at the bottom). Extensions should instead be listed so that the most recent extension is always at the top.SCRAIP-34792
17127CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run Metrics CalculationWhen running an analysis/snapshot for JEE source code.Several Java syntax error warnings are listed in the Metrics Assistant log: * @return XXXX.SCRAIP-34690
17222CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Compute SnapshotWhen attempting to generate a snapshot.The stored procedure DIAG_SCOPE_PLSQLPERF002 takes more than 10 hours (total snapshot duration is 14.5 hours).SCRAIP-34876
17277CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Update SourcesWhen attempting to generate a snapshot.The snapshot hangs while uploading the source code into the CAST Dashboard Service schema.SCRAIP-34896
17466Server ManagerWhen attempting to run the CASTUpgradeRun.bat file unattended.A prompt for the CSS operater user password is always displayed preventing the batch from completing.SCRAIP-34965