Feature Improvements

Technology support changes

Please see Technology coverage changes in CAST AIP 8.3.x for more detailed discussion of this subject.

Installation and deployment

CAST Server Manager


New display organization for schemas

The grouping of schemas in CAST Server Manager in the left hand panel has been restructured as follows:

Combined Installations (Up-to-date)

Combined Installations (Management, Analysis and Dashboard Service schemas) that are currently up-to-date - i.e. an upgrade is not required.

Measurement Service schemas installed as part of a Combined Installation are listed separately under Measurement Services.

Combined Installations (Out-to-date)

Combined Installations (Management, Analysis and Dashboard Service schemas) that are currently out-of-date - i.e. can be upgraded to the current release of CAST AIP.

Measurement Service schemas installed as part of a Combined Installation are listed separately under Measurement Services.

Measurement ServicesA list of Measurement Service schemas whether installed as part of a Combined Installation or as a standalone schema.
Unmanaged ServicesA list of "standalone" CAST AIP schemas (Management, Analysis and Dashboard Service schemas) installed on their own, i.e. not part of a Combined Installation.
Load MetaModel option

The Load MetaModel option will not be available for schemas that are "out of date" - i.e. schemas whose version number is lower than the version number of CAST Server Manager. This is to prevent a MetaModel from release "8.3.5" (for example) being loaded into release "8.2.10".

Remove Locks option

The Remove Locks option is now available for the parent Combined Installation entry  (and will function for all schemas) to avoid having to run the command on each individual schema. The option is therefore no longer available on individual Management, Analysis and Dashboard Service schemas that are part of a Combined Installation.

Database Purpose options

When installing new single standalone CAST AIP schema (Analysis, Dashboard and Management Services) it is no longer possible to choose a "purpose" for the schema.

Add/Edit connection profile dialog box

The field "Server Name" has been changed to "Server name/IP:port" to make it clear that a port number is required for CAST Storage Services.

Component Uninstall option

The Component Uninstall option now functions as follows. You can:

  • Uninstall (i.e. delete) a combined installation (i.e. a triplet of CAST AIP schemas) in one go
  • Uninstall (i.e. delete) any standalone CAST AIP schema individually

Previously it was necessary to uninstall CAST AIP schemas in a combined installation one by one.


Remove Locks option

The Remove Locks option is now available via the CLI for a Combined Installation entry. See Automating CAST Server Manager installation tasks for more information.

Combined Uninstall option

An Uninstall option is now available via the CLI for a Combined Installation entry. See Automating CAST Server Manager installation tasks for more information.

CAST Delivery Manager Tool

Discovery - Web Services configuration files

The CAST Delivery Manager Tool can now detect the presence of web services configuration files and automatically select the appropriate JEE Environment Profile in the CAST Management Studio. The following will be automatically configured:

  • For .wsdl file extension, the default version selected will be WSDL 1.1 (Tibco)
  • For .wsdd file extension, the default version selected will be Axis WSDD 1.0 (Java)
  • For web-services.xml files, the default version selected will be BEA Weblogic 7.0
  • For webservices.xml files the default version selected will be JAX-RPC (Java)

Command Line Interface (CLI)

Several new commands have been introduced in the CAST AIP 8.3.6 Delivery Manager Tool CLI providing greater flexibility. For the first time, it is possible to use the CLI directly with a Delivery folder - i.e. without the need to use a CAST AIC Portal. Please see Automating source code delivery for more information. A summary of the new commands is as follows:

New commands in CAST AIC Portal mode

  • CreateVersionForLocal > Create a new Version from scratch without the need to copy an existing Version
  • CreatePackageForLocal > Create a new Package (the majority of Package types are available) and configure it with the options you require
  • UpdatePackageForLocal > Update an existing Package to change the configuration

New commands in "without" CAST AIC Portal mode (i.e. via JNLP)

  • CreateServerApplication > Create a new Application from scratch in the Delivery folder. This Application can then be managed in the CAST Management Studio or imported into the CAST AIC Portal (see RegisterExistingApplication.bat in Automating CAST AIC Portal Configuration tasks).
  • CreateVersionForServer > Create a new Version from scratch without the need to copy an existing Version
  • CreatePackageForServer > Create a new Package (the majority of Package types are available) and configure it with the options you require
  • UpdatePackageForServer > Update an existing Package to change the configuration
Note that all existing DMT CLI commands still function as normal.

Resolved Issues

The following table lists all bugs fixed in CAST AIP 8.3.6 

Call IDComponent/SSituationSymptomsInternal ID
11325CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerWhen looking at the results of a Mainframe Cobol analysis with regard to the Quality Rule "Never truncate data in MOVE statement" - 7688.The Quality Rule is reporting false violations.SCRAIP-31252
11419Application Engineering Dashboard (AED)When using the browser developer tools to view the files being loaded by the CAST Application Analytics and Engineering Dashboards.The files aad-information.js and aed-information.js are being called respectively by AAD and AED, however, neither exist in the WARs and so the browser developer tool reports a 404 not found for these files.SCRAIP-33231
When attempting to download an invalid extension with the CAST Extension Downloader.An non user friendly error message is displayed "System.InvalidOperationException".SCRAIP-33232
When looking at the results of a SAP/ABAP analysis.ABAP table expression syntax is not recognized and produced unresolved objects.SAP-109
When looking at the results of a SAP/ABAP analysis.Unresolved objects are created for the syntax "me->".SAP-113
When looking at the results of a SAP ABAP analysis.Unresolved objects are created for the syntax "object -> method()".SAP-108
When looking at the results of a SAP/ABAP analysis.Unresolved objects are created for the syntax "LIKE TABLE OF".SAP-111
When looking at the results of a SAP/ABAP analysis.Unresolved objects "me" are created for the syntax "DATA: lcl_cache LIKE me".SAP-112
When looking at the results of a SAP/ABAP analysis.Unresolved "s_tasks-task" objects are created for the syntax "<s_tasks>-task = o_subproc_task".SAP-107
When looking at the results of a SAP/ABAP analysis.Unresolved "OBJECT" objects are created for the syntax "CREATE OBJECT".SAP-110
When attempting to use a Regular Expression to exclude specific files from specific folders in the CAST Delivery Manager Tool.The Regular Expression is successfully tested in the DMT GUI, but when the packaging action is run, the files are not excluded (i.e the regular expression is ignored).SCRAIP-33222
11795CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Compute SnapshotWhen attempting to generate a snapshot when CAST AIP schemas are hosted on Oracle Server.The snapshot fails with the error: "ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows".SCRAIP-33225
11826CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerWhen attempting to run an SQL analysis on an Oracle schema.Syntax errors are found in the log file with regard to the syntax: 

"i_ticket := NEW ticket;" 

The analyzer is expecting parenthesis whereas the above is legitimate syntax supported by Oracle.
11832CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerWhen looking at the log file for a PL/SQL analysis.Syntax errors are displayed when the analyzer encounters superfluous parentheses in the source code.SCRAIP-33226
11917CAST Engineering DashboardWhen looking at the results of a JEE analysis, specifically with regard to the rule "Avoid directly instantiating a Class used as a managed bean - 7964".The rule does not take into account Java Fields when it should.SCRAIP-33223
11959Application Analytics Dashboard (AAD)When looking at the CAST Application Analytics Dashboard with custom tiles using the CustomExpression plugin.The tiles are not refreshing when you select a different snapshot version.SCRAIP-33233
12163AI Center PortalWhen using the CAST Delivery Manager Tool via the CAST AIC Portal and choosing to store credentials on the "server" in version V1.When using a different machine to package version V2 copied from version V1, the credentials are lost.SCRAIP-33220
12431CAST Engineering Dashboard1. For Rest API 
Export the list of violation via Rest API by using the Preferred Media Type: text/csv
1.For Rest API 
Internal Server Error - Response Status 500
12608Application Analytics Dashboard (AAD)When looking at the CAST Health Dashboard with regard to AEP data.A display issue is causing the graphic representing the AEP data to overlap.SCRAIP-32835
12644;12416;12648;12886CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run Data Flow Security AnalysisWhen attempting to generate a snapshot.Snapshot (which includes a dataflow security analysis) fails during the "save results to database" step with the following error: 
INF: 2018-05-25 13:50:26: [XMLtoDB] SQL Message: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(1015)
12792CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Compute SnapshotWhen attempting to generate a snapshot.The snapshot generation fails and approx 70GB of disk space is consumed.SCRAIP-33218
12793CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Compute SnapshotWhen attempting to generate a snapshot.The snapshot generate fails with the error "Error while executing Procedure".SCRAIP-33129
12801CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Compute Snapshot, FP_interruptionsWhen attempting to generate a snapshot.The snapshot generation failed with the error " 
can not be updated ("SIGE_CENTRAL". "EFP_TRAN_INFO". "IMPACT_FACTOR") to a NULL value" 
12846CMS Assessment modelWhen looking at the documentation for the rule "Avoid Tables without Primary Key - 8082".The rule does not mention Oracle Materialized Views - the documentation should be updated to include them.SCRAIP-32692
12882CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Execute LinkerWhen attempting to run an analysis on C++ source code containing embedded SQL that attempts to create a table from a select query: 

(SELECT a.b 
FROM table_name a);
The analyzer reports a syntax error for this embedded SQL.SCRAIP-33224
12890CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerWhen looking at the results of a Mainframe Cobol analysis.The following message is seen in the log file "Warning: MODULMSG ; Job execution. Problem during parsing. Duplicate sub clause "CAST_COBOL_WithStatusCode", code area between line 423 column 31 and line 423 column 31 is ignored"SCRAIP-32722
12916CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerWhen looking at the results of the rule "Avoid unchecked return code (SQLCODE) after EXEC SQL query - 7690".The rule is returning a false positive violation even though the SQLCODE check occurs immediately after the EXEC SQL query.SCRAIP-32747
12942CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerWhen looking at the results of a Mainframe Cobol analysis.Objects are incorrectly resolved when their name contains a symbol (such as the # (hash) sign). Only the part preceding the symbol is resolved.SCRAIP-32765
12968;13237CMS Application - Reference Pattern Search StringWhen attempting to run an analysis when a Reference Pattern that includes a regular expression is included.The analysis fails with the error: 
Regular expression must have been successfully compiled before calling the requested method.
12981CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerWhen looking at the results of the rule "Avoid STOP RUN (use GOBACK instead) - 5068".The rule is returning a false positive violation when the STOP RUN is located in a program, which is outside the scope of this rule.SCRAIP-32790
13026Transaction Configuration Center (TCC)When attempting to generate a snapshot.Snapshot fails at compute snapshot stage with error "The model contains the following errors: cannot generate set: temporary ignored table regular expressions: type 'UnknownTable' not found (type property definition)".SCRAIP-32867
13061CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerWhen looking at the results of a Mainframe Cobol analysis.Where a symbolic variable is used in a procedure to to define a PSB, the PSB is incorrectly named.SCRAIP-32855
13121CMS ApplicationWhen looking at the CAST Engineering Dashboard.No source code can be seen for any rule violations.SCRAIP-32959
13123CMS ApplicationWhen attempting to deliver a large database extraction.The "set as current version" step fails with the error "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded. "SCRAIP-32983
13131CMS Application - DependenciesAfter upgrade to CAST AIP 8.3.x from 8.2.x.Some technology dependencies manually created in CAST AIP 8.2.3 are duplicated post upgrade as "discovered" dependencies.SCRAIP-33070
13138CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerWhen attempting to run a Mainframe analysis.The analysis log contains many syntax error messages related to EXEC SQL statements.SCRAIP-32937
13164CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerWhen looking at the results of the rule "Prefer using indexes instead of subscripts - 8142".The rule is returning a false positive violation even though the variable in question is already an index.SCRAIP-32963
13265Delivery Manager ToolUpgrade CAST schemata from 8.2.x to 8.3.x using Server Manager 
And the schemata contain a Business Objects (BO) application
After upgrade with Server Manager, it is impossible to open Delivery Manager Tool (DMT). You get following error message: 

Invalid ////S:/DMTDelivery834/Data/{..}/{...}/0cb4f6ea-b809-4c54-89d4-0ead2f452ad5.entity.xml
13299Server ManagerWhen attempting to use the CAST AIP upgrade script when schemas with similar names exist on the target RDBMS, for example - MRE and MRE_823. The script points to the schemas with the prefix MRE.The schemas with the prefix MRE_823 are taken into account instead of the schemas starting with MRE as requested.SCRAIP-33083
13327CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerWhen looking at the results of the rule "Avoid using Pointers - 7302".The rule is returning a false negative violation - i.e. the same code was violating the rule in CAST AIP 8.2.x.SCRAIP-33102
13344Application Analytics Dashboard (AAD)When running any of the dashboard admin tools (for example AadConsolidation.exe).On completion, the console window does not print out a "Done!" message as it does in CAST AIP 8.2.x.SCRAIP-33136
13390Delivery Manager Tool - Package ExtractionAfter a second analysis of a Peoplesoft project, 
objects are associated to wrong files in KB, leading to many false positives, false negatives, and wrong bookmarks 
UAX files do not contain GUIDs for objects of type CAST_TargetSourceFile. So the analyzer takes the InstanceID, which is not stable through extractions. SCRAIP-33138
13421CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Compute SnapshotWhen attempting to generate a snapshot.The snapshot fails during the compute snapshot in the central database with the error "Error while executing the procedure." 

13428CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Compute Analysis Unit Full ContentWhen attempting to generate a snapshot using CSS3.The snapshot hangs during the "Configure Snapshot Data" step after the first version.SCRAIP-33160
13447CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run AnalyzerWhen looking at the results of the rule "Never truncate data in MOVE statements - 7688".The rule is returning a false positive.SCRAIP-33177
13464Application Engineering Dashboard (AED)When looking at the results of the rule "Avoid Sections with a very low comment/code ratio - 5108".The rule is returning false positive violations for comments in copybook sections.SCRAIP-33190
13507Delivery Manager Tool - Package ExtractionWhen using the CAST Delivery Manager Tool option "Files on your File System" to package a folder hierarchy with at least two levels.The operation fails with the error: "Java.Lang.illegalThreadStateException".SCRAIP-33253
13547Application Engineering Dashboard (AED)When using the CAST Engineering Dashboard and selecting a technical measure, such as Security.This section should only show the rules that are affecting the selected technical measure, however, all the rules are being displayed instead.SCRAIP-33311
13556CMS Analysis UnitWhen looking at the results of an analysis where two (or more) Universal Analyzer Analysis Units have been created and there is a dependency between them.The results show SQL Analyzer data in the Universal Analyzer Analysis Unit.SCRAIP-33298
When attempting to run a SAP/ABAP analysis.Incorrect syntax error for keyword RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE ...MESSAGE.SAP-114
When attempting to run a SAP/ABAP analysis.Incorrect syntax errors for keywords '*' , '&&', '(', 'DATA', '.' and '['.SAP-115
13696, 13862CMS Snapshot/Analysis - Run Data Flow Security AnalysisWhen attempting to generate a snapshot.Snapshot fails during the "Save results to database" step while doing Data Flow security analysis with the error: 
INF: 2018-05-25 13:50:26: [XMLtoDB] SQL Message: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(1015)
7449CAST Engineering DashboardWhen looking at the results of the rule "Avoid SQL queries that no index can support - 8108".False positive violations are returned.SCRAIP-24160
9222CAST Engineering DashboardWhen looking at the results of the rule "Ensure you provide a user-defined copy constructor or disable copy when a class allocates memory in its constructor - 592".The rule shows more failed checks than the number of violated objects that are returned (the number of failed checks should equal the number of violated objects).SCRAIP-26593

Porting workPorting workSCRAIP-33389