Standalone Health Dashboard advanced configurationConfigure the Health Dashboard for large numbers of ApplicationsHealth Dashboard tile managementHealth Dashboard tag and category managementHealth Dashboard json configuration optionsConfiguring export of AEP and EFP data from Health Dashboard to Microsoft Excel or CSV using a standalone Health DashboardRemoving the Technical Debt - OMG tile and related dataUsing the GUI and CLI tools for Health DashboardGUI common fieldsStandalone Engineering Dashboard advanced configurationCAST Dashboard Service schema connection configuration poolingEducation - change Share and Promote email textEngineering Dashboard json configuration optionsEngineering Dashboard tile managementTop Modules with Violations or Critical Violations tileHealth Factor weakness or strength tileRisk Introduced tileTop Rules with increasing or decreasing violations tileAction Plan tileExclusions tileExternal Links tileBackground Facts tileCustom tileIndustry Standard tilesOMG Technical Debt tileArchitecture Model violation tileTop Riskiest Components tileTop Riskiest Transactions tileIntegration of CAST Action Plan into Atlassian JIRAManaging the Engineering Dashboard search indexesReport Generation configurationUsing the GUI and CLI tools for Engineering DashboardView custom Business Criteria in Engineering DashboardCustom Standard Compliance report generationAdvanced configuration options for all DashboardsFor 2.x JARs or ZIPsChanging the name of the cast_dashboards schemaConfigure additional Dashboard schemas for JAR file deploymentsDeploying multiple 2.x ZIPs or JARs on the same serverModify the user access port or set up secure HTTPS dashboard accessStart and stop 2.x JAR or ZIP deploymentsUpdating Windows Service Java parametersConfiguring the Log and Audit TrailDashboard localizationEncrypt login and password for database and LDAPError MessagesGeneral timeout settingInjecting custom tagsLost password and request access configurationModifying default dashboard textModifying login error messagesMultiple CAST dashboard installation scenarioReload the cacheRemoving snapshot dataRestAPI authentication using an API key