Health Dashboard - Available information


The information displayed in the Health Dashboard is derived from snapshots generated by the CAST Administrator and provides a high level and intuitive overview of your set of Applications.

Note that the Health Dashboard features a server cache to improve the speed of data display. This does mean, however, that very recent changes in data (i.e. a new snapshot generation) may not instantly appear in the dashboard. If this is the case, the server cache needs to be manually reloaded. See Reload the cache.

ISO 5055 (ISO/IEC 5055) Overview

This section will be visible only in Dashboard 1.26 and 2.0.0

This section gives you an Overview of ISO 5055 tiles.

The ISO 5055 (ISO/IEC 5055) Overview section is available in both the Multi-application and Single Application landing pages. It displays five "out of the box" tiles that contain information about the entire portfolio of Applications (multi-Application page) or a single Application. Data in these tiles represents the most recent "grade" of your Application or Applications for a specific Quality or Sizing measurement in the most recent snapshot. For details refer: Health Dashboard - Available information - ISO 5055 - Overview section

Overview Section

This section gives you an Overview of application landing pages.

The Overview section is available in both the Multi-application and Single Application landing pages. It displays a variety of tiles "out of the box" that contain information about the entire portfolio of Applications (multi-Application page) or a single Application. Data in these tiles represents the most recent "grade" of your Application or Applications for a specific Quality or Sizing measurement in the most recent snapshot. For details refer: Health Dashboard - Available information - Overview section.

Trends Section

This section gives you information for specific Quality or Sizing measurement over a history of snapshots.

Trends section helps you to quickly see whether a specific measurement is trending down (getting worse) or up (improving). The Trends section is available in both the Multi-application and Single Application landing pages. For details refer: Health Dashboard - Available information - Trends section.

Automated Enhancement Point Section

This section gives you Automated and Enhanced Function Point information about your Application.

This section (AEP) is available only at app level.

This section can be accessed from the "AEP" tile in the Automated Enhancement Point section: The information displayed in the tile and the drill down behavior will differ, depending on the enhancement Function Point counting mode that was used to generate the current snapshot. For details refer: Health Dashboard - Available information - Automated Enhancement Point section.