Term | Definition |
Background Fact | An external information that can be related to Quality Indicators or Sizing Measures |
Business Criterion | A Quality Criterion which grade is based upon contributing technical criteria grades and critical violations |
Category | A Quality Distribution slot. There are 4 categories defined for each Quality Distribution. A category measure is an input value to compute the Quality Distribution grade. |
Configuration Item | A Quality Indicator, Sizing Measure of Background Fact, implemented as calculation rule to measure an application or a module. |
Distribution Pattern | The Distribution Pattern is the definition of the Object property to use to decide in which distribution category to assign Objects. It also includes the associated documentation: description, rationale, reference, remediation, … |
Grade Aggregator | An impacted Quality Indicator (see Grade Contributor) |
Grade Contributor | A Quality Indicator which measure is used to compute another Quality Indicator (see Grade Aggregator) |
Indirect Contributing Quality Indicator | A Quality Rule, Quality Distribution or Quality Measure contributing to a Business Criterion |
Measure Pattern | The Measure Pattern is the definition of the measure to perform on each Module. It also includes the associated documentation: description, rationale, reference, remediation, … |
Quality Indicator | An calculation measure which unit is a grade between 1.0 (very high risk) and 4.0 (low risk) to assess a source code quality. |
Quality Distribution | A Quality Criterion based on a distribution pattern |
Quality Rule | A Quality Criterion to assess compliance of a source code with a Rule Pattern. |
Quality Measure | A Quality Criterion based on a measure pattern |
Rule Pattern | The Rule Pattern is the pattern that is searched for in the analysis results (source code, cartography, etc.) to pinpoint Violations. It also includes the associated documentation: description, rationale, reference, remediation, … |
Sizing Measure | A quantitative measure |
Technical Criterion | A Quality Indicator which grade is based upon contributing Quality Rule , Quality Distribution and Quality Measures grades. |
Configuration Snapshot
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots | Array of Configurations snapshots |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID} | A configuration snapshot content |
JSON Representation
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
href | Auto reference | URI | 1 |
name | Configuration name | String | 1 |
number | Snapshot order number.Snapshots are ordered according to the | Integer | 1 |
annotation | User annotations describing this snapshot | Structure | 1 |
annotation.version | Assessment point number | String | 1 | | Application date | Date | 1 |
annotation.description | Snapshot description | String | 1 | | Snapshot name | String | 1 |
annotation.enhancementMeasure | Computation mode of enhancement data. It has one of the following values : "EFP" or "AEP" | String | 1 |
qualityIndicators.href | Reference to get a group of indicators | URI | 1 |
sizingMeasures.href | Reference to get a group of sizing measures | URI | 1 |
backgroundFacts.href | Reference to get background facts | URI | 1 |
JSON Example
GET DEMO/configuration/snapshots/5
{ "href": "DEMO/configuration/snapshots/5", "name": "Configuration Snapshot #1", "number": 1, "annotation": { "version": "1.0", "date": { "time": 1338328800000 }, "description": null, "name": "GM_DRAS_201206180516", "enhancementMeasure": "EFP" }, "qualityIndicators": { "href": "DEMO/configuration/snapshots/5/quality-indicators", "name": "All Quality Indicators" }, "sizingMeasures": { "href": "DEMO/configuration/snapshots/5/sizing-measures", "name": "All Sizing Measures" }, "backgroundFacts": { "href": "DEMO/configuration/snapshots/5/background-facts", "name": "All Background Facts" } }
Configuration Models
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/quality-indicators
| Quality Model |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/sizing-measures
| Sizing Model |
JSON Representation
Quality Model | |||
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
businessCriteria.href | All Business criteria | URI | 1 |
technicalCriteria.href | All Technical criteria. | URI | 1 |
qualityRules.href | All Quality Rules | URI | 1 |
qualityDistributions.href | All Quality Distributions | URI | 1 |
qualityMeasures.href | All Quality Measures | URI | 1 |
Sizing Model | |||
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
technicalSizeMeasures.href | All Technical Size Measures | URI | 1 |
functionalWeightMeasures.href | All Functional Weight Measures | URI | 1 |
criticalViolationStatistics.href | All Critical Violation Statistics | URI | 1 |
violationStatistics.href | All Violation Statistics | URI | 1 |
technicalDebtStatistics.href | All Technical Debt Statistics | URI | 1 |
runtimeStatistics.href | All Run-time Statistics | URI | 1 |
JSON Example
GET DEMO/configuration/snapshots/5/quality-indicators
{ "businessCriteria": { "href": "DEMO/configuration/snapshots/5/business-criteria", "name": "All Business Criteria" }, "technicalCriteria": { "href": "DEMO/configuration/snapshots/5/technical-criteria", "name": "All Technical Criteria" }, "qualityRules": { "href": "DEMO/configuration/snapshots/5/quality-rules", "name": "All Quality Rules" }, "qualityDistributions": { "href": "DEMO/configuration/snapshots/5/quality-distributions", "name": "All Quality Distributions" }, "qualityMeasures": { "href": "DEMO/configuration/snapshots/5/quality-measures", "name": "All Quality Measures" } }
Collection of Configuration Items
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/business-criteria
| Array of references to Quality Indicators definitions |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/technical-criteria
| Array of references to Quality Indicators definitions |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/quality-rules
| Array of references to Quality Indicators definitions |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/quality-distributions
| Array of references to Quality Indicators definitions |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/quality-measures
| Array of references to Quality Indicators definitions |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/technical-size-measures
| Array of references to Sizing Measures definitions |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/functional-weight-measures
| Array of references to Sizing Measures definitions |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/critical-violation-statistics
| Array of references to Sizing Measures definitions |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/violation-statistics
| Array of references to Sizing Measures definitions |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/technical-debt-statistics
| Array of references to Sizing Measures definitions |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/run-time-statistics
| Array of references to Sizing Measures definitions |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/configuration/snapshots/{snapshotID}/background-facts
| Array of references to Background Facts definitions |
Business Criterion
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/quality-indicators/{metricID}/snapshots/{snapshotID} | A snapshoted Quality Indicator definition |
JSON Representation
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
href | Auto reference | URI | 1 |
key | Metric Id | String | 1 |
name | Business Criterion name | String | 1 |
description | Metric description | String | 0..1 |
type | Type | String | 1 |
annotation | User annotation describing this snapshot | Structure | 1 |
annotation.version | Assessment point number | String | 1 | | Application date | Date | 1 |
annotation.description | Snapshot description | String | 1 | | Snapshot name | String | 1 |
annotation.enhancementMeasure | Computation mode of enhancement data. It has one of the following values : "EFP" or "AEP" | String | 1 |
number | Snapshot order number | Integer | 1 |
gradeAggregators | An empty array | Array | 1 |
gradeContributors | An array of contributing Technical Criteria | Array | 1 |
gradeContributors[].href | A contributing technical criteria | URI | 1 |
baseQualityIndicators.href | Reference to get an array of indirect contributing quality indicators | URI | 1 |
JSON Example
GET DEMO/quality-indicators/66032/snapshots/5 (Business Criterion)
{ "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/66032/snapshots/5", "key": "66032", "name": "Architectural Design", "description": "Architectural Design", "type": "business-criteria", "annotation": { "version": "1.0", "date": { "time": 1338328800000 }, "description": null, "name": "GM_DRAS_201206180516", "enhancementMeasure": "EFP" }, "number": 1, "gradeAggregators": [], "gradeContributors": [ { "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/66070/snapshots/5", "key": "66070", "name": "Architecture - Architecture Models Automated Checks", "weight": 1, "critical": false },... ], "baseQualityIndicators": { "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/66032/snapshots/5/base-quality-indicators", "name": "All indirect grade contributors" } }
Technical Criterion
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/quality-indicators/{metricID}/snapshots/{snapshotID} | A snapshoted Quality Indicator definition |
JSON Representation
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
href | Auto reference | URI | 1 |
name | Quality indicator name | String | 1 |
shortName | Abbreviation | String | 0..1 |
number | Snapshot order number | Integer | 1 |
type | Type | String | 1 |
gradeAggregators | Indicators depending on this indicator | Array | 0..1 |
gradeAggregators[].href | Grade Aggregator reference | URI | 1 |
gradeAggregators[].name | Grade Aggregator name | String | 1 |
gradeAggregators[].key | Grade Aggregator key | String | 1 |
gradeContributors.href | Reference to get an array of contributing Quality Indicators | URI | 1 |
rationale | Text | String | 0..1 |
description | Tex | String | 0..1 |
snapshots.href | Reference to get history of this item | URI | 1 |
annotation | User annotation describing this snapshot | Structure | 1 |
annotation.version | Assessment point number | String | 1 | | Application date | Date | 1 |
annotation.description | Snapshot description | String | 1 | | Snapshot name | String | 1 |
annotation.enhancementMeasure | Computation mode of enhancement data. It has one of the following values : "EFP" or "AEP" | String | 1 |
JSON Example
GET DEMO/quality-indicators/61029/snapshots/5 (Technical Criterion)
{ "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/61029/snapshots/5", "key": "61029", "name": "Complexity - Dynamic Instantiation", "description": "Respect of practices regarding dynamic instantiation", "type": "technical-criteria", "annotation": { "version": "1.0", "date": { "time": 1338328800000 }, "description": null, "name": "GM_DRAS_201206180516", "enhancementMeasure": "EFP" }, "number": 1, "gradeAggregators": [ { "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/60012/snapshots/5", "key": "60012", "name": "Changeability" }, { "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/60014/snapshots/5", "key": "60014", "name": "Efficiency " },... ], "gradeContributors": [ { "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/2572/snapshots/5", "key": "2572", "name": "Avoid declaring VB Variables without typing them" },... ] }
Indirect Grade Contributors
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/quality-indicators/{metricID}/snapshots/{snapshotID}/base-quality-indicators
| Array of Indirect Contributing Quality Indicators |
JSON Representation
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
href | Quality Indicator reference | URI | 1 |
key | Quality Indicator key | String | 1 |
name | Quality Indicator name | String | 1 |
compoundedWeight | A contributing weight of a quality indicator is the sum of all contributing path weights from the quality indicator to the business criterion. A contributing path weight is the product: contributing weight from the quality indicator to the technical criterion x contributing weight of the technical criterion to the business criterion | Integer | 1 |
compoundedWeightFormula | Explicit formula used to calculate the compounded weight Ex: "(8x4)+(4x5)" | String | 1 |
critical | Boolean if the quality indicator is critical for at least one technical criterion | Boolean | 1 |
JSON Example
GET DEMO/quality-indicators/66032/snapshots/5/base-quality-indicators
[ { "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/7140/snapshots/5", "key": "7140", "name": "Action artifacts should not directly call a JSP page", "compoundedWeight": 3, "compoundedWeightFormula": "(1x3)", "critical": true }, { "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/7144/snapshots/5", "key": "7144", "name": "Action Artifacts should not directly use database objects", "compoundedWeight": 7, "compoundedWeightFormula": "(1x7)", "critical": true },... ]
Quality Rule
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/quality-indicators/{metricID}/snapshots/{snapshotID} | A snapshoted Quality Indicator definition |
JSON Representation
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
href | Auto reference | URI | 1 |
name | Quality rule name | String | 1 |
shortName | Abbreviation | String | 0..1 |
number | Snapshot order number | Integer | 1 |
type | Type | String | 1 |
rulePattern | Pattern | URI | 1 |
gradeAggregators | Indicators depending on this indicator | Array | 0..1 |
gradeAggregators[].href | Grade Aggregator reference | URI | 1 |
gradeAggregators[].name | Grade Aggregator name | String | 1 |
gradeAggregators[].key | Grade Aggregator key | String | 1 |
gradeSettings.thresholds | Thresholds used in grade formula to transform a quality rule compliance ratio into a grade. | Array | 1 |
gradeSettings .thresholds[ ] | A percentage threshold | Integer | 4 |
snapshots.href | Reference to get history of this item | URI | 1 |
annotation | User annotation describing this snapshot | Structure | 1 |
annotation.version | Assessment point number | String | 1 | | Application date | Date | 1 |
annotation.description | Snapshot description | String | 1 | | Snapshot name | String | 1 |
annotation.enhancementMeasure | Computation mode of enhancement data. It has one of the following values : "EFP" or "AEP" | String | 1 |
JSON Example
GET DEMO/quality-indicators/7298/snapshots/5 (Quality Rule)
{ "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/7298/snapshots/5", "key": "7298", "name": "A class that has pointer data members must provide a copy constructor", "description": "The report list...", "type": "quality-rules", "annotation": { "version": "1.0", "date": { "time": 1338328800000 }, "description": null, "name": "GM_DRAS_201206180516", "enhancementMeasure": "EFP" }, "number": 1, "gradeAggregators": [ { "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/66069/snapshots/5", "key": "66069", "name": "Programming Practices - Unexpected Behavior" } ], "gradeContributors": [], "thresholds": [ 98, 99, 99.5, 99.99 ], "rulePattern": { "href": "DEMO/rule-patterns/7298", "name": "A class that has pointer data members must provide a copy constructor" } }
Quality Distribution
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/quality-indicators/{metricID}/snapshots/{snapshotID} | A snapshoted Quality Indicator definition |
JSON Representation
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
href | Auto reference | URI | 1 |
name | Quality rule name | String | 1 |
shortName | Abbreviation | String | 0..1 |
number | Snapshot order number | Integer | 1 |
type | Type | String | 1 |
distributionPattern | Pattern | URI | 1 |
gradeAggregators | Indicators depending on this indicator | Array | 0..1 |
gradeAggregators[].href | Grade Aggregator reference | URI | 1 |
gradeAggregators[].name | Grade Aggregator name | String | 1 |
gradeAggregators[].key | Grade Aggregator key | String | 1 |
gradeSettings.categories | 4 ordered categories | Array | 1 |
gradeSettings. categories[ ] | A category (a distribution slot) | Structure | 0..* |
gradeSettings. categories[ ]. name | Category name | String | 1 |
gradeSettings. categories[ ]. thresholds | 4 thresholds | Array | 1 |
gradeSettings. categories[ ]. thresholds[ ] | A thresholds used in grade formula to transform a category measure into a category grade | Double | 0..4 |
snapshots.href | Reference to get history of this item | URI | 1 |
annotation | User annotation describing this snapshot | Structure | 1 |
annotation.version | Assessment point number | String | 1 | | Application date | Date | 1 |
annotation.description | Snapshot description | String | 1 | | Snapshot name | String | 1 |
annotation.enhancementMeasure | Computation mode of enhancement data. It has one of the following values : "EFP" or "AEP" | String | 1 |
parameters[ ] | Array | 1 | |
parameters[ ].name | Parameter name; a threshold to distribute objects into catagerories | String | 1 |
parameters[ ].technology | Applicable technology | String | 1 |
parameters[ ].value | The threshold value | Number | 1 |
JSON Example
GET DEMO/quality-indicators/65601/snapshots/5 (Quality Distribution)
{ "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/65601/snapshots/5", "key": "65601", "name": "4GL Complexity Distribution", "description": "Distribution of Forms regarding their complexity", "type": "quality-distributions", "annotation": { "version": "1.0", "date": { "time": 1338328800000 }, "description": null, "name": "GM_DRAS_201206180516", "enhancementMeasure": "EFP" }, "number": 1, "gradeAggregators": [ { "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/61009/snapshots/5", "key": "61009", "name": "Complexity - Algorithmic and Control Structure Complexity" }, { "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/61026/snapshots/5", "key": "61026", "name": "Complexity - Technical Complexity" } ], "gradeContributors": [], "categories": [ { "name": "Very High 4GL Complexity Forms", "thresholds": [ 5, 4, 2, 0 ] },... ], "distributionPattern": { "href": "DEMO/distribution-patterns/65601", "name": "4GL Complexity Distribution" }, "parameters": [ { "name": "Heavy Forms threshold", "technology": ".Net", "value": 20 }, { "name": "Heavy Forms threshold", "technology": "C#", "value": 20 }, ... ] }
Quality Measure
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/quality-indicators/{metricID}/snapshots/{snapshotID} | A snapshoted Quality Indicator definition |
JSON Representation
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
href | Auto reference | URI | 1 |
name | Quality rule name | String | 1 |
shortName | Abbreviation | String | 0..1 |
number | Snapshot order number | Integer | 1 |
type | Type | String | 1 |
measurePattern | Pattern | URI | 1 |
gradeAggregators | Indicators depending on this indicator | Array | 0..1 |
gradeAggregators[].href | Grade Aggregator reference | URI | 1 |
gradeAggregators[].name | Grade Aggregator name | String | 1 |
gradeAggregators[].key | Grade Aggregator key | String | 1 |
snapshots.href | Reference to get history of this item | URI | 1 |
annotation | User annotation describing this snapshot | Structure | 1 |
annotation.version | Assessment point number | String | 1 | | Application date | Date | 1 |
annotation.description | Snapshot description | String | 1 | | Snapshot name | String | 1 |
annotation.enhancementMeasure | Computation mode of enhancement data. It has one of the following values : "EFP" or "AEP" | String | 1 |
JSON Example
DEMO/quality-indicators/66067/snapshots/5 (Quality Measure)
{ "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/66067/snapshots/5", "key": "66067", "name": "Avoid High Volume of Copy Pasted Code", "description": "This metric is based...", "type": "quality-measures", "annotation": { "version": "1.0", "date": { "time": 1338328800000 }, "description": null, "name": "GM_DRAS_201206180516", "enhancementMeasure": "EFP" }, "number": 1, "gradeAggregators": [ { "href": "DEMO/quality-indicators/66009/snapshots/5", "key": "66009", "name": "Architecture - Reuse" } ], "gradeContributors": [], "measurePattern": { "href": "DEMO/measure-patterns/66067", "name": "Avoid High Volume of Copy Pasted Code" } }
Sizing Measure
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/sizing-measures/{metricID}/snapshots/{snapshotID} | A snapshoted Sizing Measure definition |
JSON Representation
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
href | Auto reference | URI | 1 |
name | Quality rule name | String | 1 |
description | Text | String | 1 |
type | Type | String | 1 |
annotation | User annotation describing this snapshot | Structure | 1 | | Snapshot date | Date | 1 |
annotation.version | Assessment version number | String | 1 |
annotation.description | Snapshot description | String | 1 | | Snapshot name | String | 1 |
annotation.enhancementMeasure | Computation mode of enhancement data. It has one of the following values : "EFP" or "AEP" | String | 1 |
number | Snapshot order number | Integer | 1 |
JSON Example
GET DEMO/sizing-measures/68001/snapshots/5
{ "href": "DEMO/sizing-measures/68001/snapshots/5", "key": "68001", "name": "Technical Debt", "description": "Technical Debt estimates...", "type": "technical-debt-statistics", "annotation": { "version": "1.0", "date": { "time": 1338328800000 }, "description": null, "name": "GM_DRAS_201206180516", "enhancementMeasure": "EFP" }, "number": 1, }
Background Fact
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/background-facts/{metricID}/snapshots/{snapshotID}
| A snapshoted Background Fact definition |
JSON Representation
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
href | Auto reference | URI | 1 |
name | Quality rule name | String | 1 |
shortName | Abbreviation | String | 0..1 |
number | Snapshot order number | Integer | 1 |
type | Always "background-facts" | String | 1 |
description | Text | String | 0..1 |
snapshots.href | Reference to get history of this item | URI | 1 |
annotation | User annotation describing this snapshot | Structure | 1 |
annotation.version | Assessment point version number | String | 1 | | Application date | Date | 1 |
annotation.description | Snapshot description | String | 1 | | Snapshot name | String | 1 |
annotation.enhancementMeasure | Computation mode of enhancement data. It has one of the following values : "EFP" or "AEP" | String | 1 |
JSON Example
GET DEMO/background-facts/66061/snapshots/5
{ "href": "DEMO/background-facts/66061/snapshots/5", "key": "66061", "name": "Business Value", "description": "description", "type": "background-facts", "annotation": { "version": "1.0", "date": { "time": 1338328800000 }, "description": null, "name": "GM_DRAS_201206180516", "enhancementMeasure": "EFP" }, "number": 1, }
Rule Pattern
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/rule-patterns/{metricID}
| A Rule Pattern definition |
JSON Representation
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
href | Auto reference | URI | 1 |
name | Pattern name | String | 1 |
key | Pattern public identifier | String | 1 |
rationale | Text | String | 1 |
description | Text | String | 1 |
remediation | Text | String | 1 |
reference | Text: External reference | String | 0..1 |
sample | Text: Code snippet of a bad practice | String | 0..1 |
remediationSample | Text: Code snippet of a remediation | String | 0..1 |
output | Diagnosis findings report | String | 0..1 |
associatedValueName | Diagnosis findings name | String | 0..1 |
total | Text: definition of the tested components | String | 0..1 |
technologies | Applicable technologies | Array | 1 |
technologies[ ] | An applicable technology | String | 1..* |
qualityStandards | Quality Standard References | Array | 1 |
qualityStandards[ ] | A Quality Standard Reference | Struct | 0..1 |
qualityStandards[ ].standard | Quality Standard name | String | 1 |
qualityStandards[ ].id | Quality Standard reference ID | String | 1 |
qualityStandards[ ].reference | URL to get an external documentation | String | 1 |
qualityStandards[ ].description | RESERVED | String | 1 |
JSON Example
GET DEMO/rule-patterns/7298
{ "href": "DEMO/rule-patterns/7298", "key": "7298", "name": "A class that has pointer data members must provide a copy constructor", "description": "The report list all...", "technologies": [ "C++" ], "rationale": "If you don't define a copy constructor...", "reference": null, "remediation": "Define a copy constructor to properly manage pointer data members.", "output": null, "associatedValueName": null, "total": null, "sample": "class MyClass {\n char * apointermember;\n};", "remediationSample": "class MyClass...", "qualityStandards": [ { "standard": "CISQ" "id": "ASCMM-MNT-15" "name": "Public Member Element" "reference": null "description": null } ] }
Distribution Pattern
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/distribution-patterns/{metricID}
| A Distribution Pattern definition |
JSON Representation
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
href | Auto reference | URI | 1 |
name | Pattern name | String | 1 |
key | Pattern public identifier | String | 1 |
rationale | Text | String | 1 |
description | Text | String | 1 |
remediation | Text | String | 1 |
reference | Text: External reference | String | 0..1 |
output | Diagnosis findings report | String | 0..1 |
associatedValueName | Diagnosis findings name | String | 0..1 |
technologies | Applicable technologies | Array | 1 |
technologies[ ] | An applicable technology | String | 1..* |
JSON Example
GET DEMO/distribution-patterns/65601
{ "href": "DEMO/distribution-patterns/65601", "key": "65601", "name": "4GL Complexity Distribution", "description": "Distribution of Forms regarding their complexity", "technologies": [], "rationale": null, "reference": null, "remediation": null, "output": null, "associatedValueName": null }
Measure Pattern
URI Templates
HTTP Action | Media Type | URI Templates | Description |
GET | application/json | {Domain}/measure-patterns/{metricID}
| A Measure Pattern definition |
JSON Representation
Properties | Description | Type | Occurs |
href | Auto reference | URI | 1 |
name | Pattern name | String | 1 |
key | Pattern public identifier | String | 1 |
rationale | Text | String | 1 |
description | Text | String | 1 |
remediation | Text | String | 1 |
reference | Text: External reference | String | 0..1 |
output | deprecated | String | 0..1 |
associatedValueName | Diagnosis findings name | String | 0..1 |
total | Text: definition of the tested components | String | 0..1 |
technologies | Applicable technologies | Array | 1 |
technologies[ ] | An applicable technology | String | 1..* |
JSON Example
GET DEMO/measure-patterns/66067
{ "href": "DEMO/measure-patterns/66067", "key": "66067", "name": "Avoid High Volume of Copy Pasted Code", "description": "This metric is based on the ratio...", "technologies": [], "rationale": "A program with a lot of duplication...", "reference": null, "remediation": null, "output": null, "associatedValueName": null, "total": "Artifacts larger than 10 lines of code ( default value of the CODELINE parameter ) " }