Summary: this page describes the new features and bugs that have been fixed in CAST Report Generator 1.19.x.

Content matrix

VersionSummary of content
1.19.3Bug fixing.
1.19.2Bug fixing.
1.19.1Bug fixing.
  • Three new CWE 2020 templates.
  • New parameters for existing IFPUG_FUNCTIONS and AETP_LIST components.
  • Release ≥ 20200929 of the Quality Standards Mapping extension is required.

Compatibility matrix

This release of Report Generator GUI and for Report Generator for Dashboards functions with the following:

CAST RestAPI≥ 1.12.xMandatory
MIPS Reduction Index≥ 20200518

These extensions are required for Compliance Report generation. Depending on what "standard" you are targeting in your Compliance Report, you can install a combination of extensions:

  • To generate Compliance Reports for MIPS standards, you MUST always install the MIPS Reduction Index extension.
  • To generate Compliance Reports for CISQ, OMG-ASCQM and OWASP standards, you can install either the CISQ, OMG-ASCQM and OWASP extensions or the Quality Standards Mapping extension. If both the CISQ, OMG-ASCQM and OWASP extensions and the Quality Standards Mapping extension are installed, data is automatically taken from the CISQ, OMG-ASCQM and OWASP extensions at all times.
If you are using CAST AIP Console ≥ 1.14.0, the Quality Standards Mapping extension is installed with all new source code versions, however, you should ensure that the correct release of the extension is used.
CISQ Index≥ 20200518


≥ 20200518
OWASP Index≥ 20200518
Quality Standards Mapping extension≥ 20200929
.NET Core SDK3.1.x

Component documentation


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
28873Report Generator error - Input string was not in a correct format.
28871Report Generator failing when using a non admin user.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
28404When attempting to select a snapshot, the dropdown uses the format "Application name + Version name" making it difficult to distinguish the correct snapshot name. Report Generator now uses the format "Version name - Snapshot name" and as a result, the names of snapshots displayed in the generated reports may change.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
27354Report Generator templates title mismatch


New Features

New table component ACTION_PLAN_BOOKMARKSThe new ACTION_PLAN_BOOKMARKS table component provides a list of violations added to the Action Plan together with bookmarks. Options: COUNT= number of violations to display, 10 by default or if not set, ALL for displaying all the violations in the Action Plan. FILTER= added|solved|pending|all to filter the violations by their status (all by default). TAG=YES|NO to display the priority using TAG or priority (tag by default as this is this value that is set in the Engineering Dashboard). Notes: this component is only relevant when used with a Dashboard schema. It will return nothing if used with an Analysis schema. This component is only relevant for Word documents (not supported in Powerpoint or Excel).
New table component ACTION_PLAN_BOOKMARKS_TABLEThe new ACTION_PLAN_BOOKMARKS_TABLE table component provides a list of violations added to the Action Plan with bookmarks without source code. Options: COUNT=N where N indicates the number of violations, by default 5 (ALL corresponds to all violations). All bookmarks of a violation are displayed. FILTER=added|pending|solved|all to filter the results with the remedial status of violations (all by default). HEADER=NO to not display headers (useful for Excel reports when you want to define your own customized headers). By default if option is not present or different from NO, headers are displayed. TAG=YES|NO, to display the priority using tag or priority (tag by default as this is this value that is set in the Engineering Dashboard). Notes: This component is only relevant when used with a Dashboard schema. It will return nothing if used with an Analysis schema. This component is only relevant for excel document. The results would not be readable on powerpoint or word.
New report CWE (2020) Top 25 Compliance Report.docxA new report has been implemented called CWE (2020) Top 25 Compliance Report.docx. Requires release ≥ 20200929 of the Quality Standards Mapping extension and ≥ 1.12.0 of the RestAPI.
New report CWE (2020) Top 25 Detailed Report.docxA new report has been implemented called CWE (2020) Top 25 Detailed Report.docx. Requires release ≥ 20200929 of the Quality Standards Mapping extension and ≥ 1.12.0 of the RestAPI.
New report CWE (2020) Top 25 Full Detailed Report.xlsxA new report has been implemented called CWE (2020) Top 25 Full Detailed Report.xlsx. Requires release ≥ 20200929 of the Quality Standards Mapping extension and ≥ 1.12.0 of the RestAPI.

Feature Improvements

New parameter for IFPUG_FUNCTIONS table componentPREVIOUS=YES|NO has been added to display the AFP value for previous snapshot (NO by default). Example - for displaying the previous version of the AFP value for data functions when you are using the previous snapshot: TABLE;IFPUG_FUNCTIONS;TYPE=DF,PREVIOUS=YES
New parameter for AEFP_LIST table componentPREVIOUS=YES|NO has been added to display the AEP value for previous snapshot (NO by default). Example: list the modified transactions with their previous AEP value: TABLE;AEFP_LIST;TYPE=TF,STATUS=MODIFIED,COUNT=-1,PREVIOUS=YES
New parameter for IFPUG_FUNCTIONS table componentZERO=YES|NO has been added to display the functions that have 0 AFP values (YES by default). Example: to not display transactions with 0 Function Points: TABLE;IFPUG_FUNCTIONS;TYPE=TF,ZERO=NO

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
REPORTGEN-993The template "Function-points-sample.xlsx" has been updated to not display ZERO AFP values by default, and also to display the previous value. Column name has been changed to "Contributed values".
REPORTGEN-973In Report Generator 1.16 an update was implemented (,LIST_RULES_VIOLATIONS_BOOKMARKS,LIST_RULES_VIOLATIONS_BOOKMARKS_TABLE) and an unwanted side effect of this update was that METRIC_IDs were automatically ordered. This side-effect has been reversed and now, METRIC_IDs are no longer ordered and instead are listed in the order provided by the RestAPI (behaviour equal to Report Generator 1.15 and earlier).

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
26523Error while generating report using template "Executive-summary-sample1.pptx": ERROR - Cast.Util.Log.LogHelper : Exception thrown during document parsing (BlockType : TEXT, BlockName : APPLICATION_RULE)
26569Portfolio reports contain applications that do not match the Category and Tag selection criteria.
26607Not possible to remove entries with 0 FP from the report.
26609"ACTION_PLAN_VIOLATIONS" block in the 2_Word_component_Library file is using the wrong column "priority" to pull the importance. It should be using the "tag" column.