Appendix - CAST Server Manager user components - PCK


CAST Server Manager provides the means to define and install new components in the CAST Analysis and Dashboard Services. A component is a set of files as follows:

  • one definition file (with the .pck extension) - this file stores information about the component and how to install it or upgrade it
  • a list of SQL script files or XML files - these files actually do the "work" - i.e. achieve what you require
  • Note that the contents of .pck files are case sensitive.
  • It is not possible to install new components for the CAST Management Service (MNGT) nor in the CAST Measurement Service (MEASURE).

How CAST Server Manager processes components

CAST Server Manager uses components to install the CAST Analysis and Dashboard Services databases. A main component includes all necessary sub-components to install an item. CAST Server Manager processes all the components included in the definition tree.

How custom components work

CAST provides two specific components - one for each type of install (Analysis or Dashboard Services) included in the component tree. These components are available for modification to include your new custom components. Included components will be installed during the CAST Server Manager installation process.

Where are custom components stored?

Custom components need to be defined and stored in the Windows "All users" folder for CAST products:

%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\CAST\CAST\<MajorVersionNumber>\ServMan

Component definition

A component is defined in one file (with the .pck extension). This file describes how to install and upgrade the component using SQL or XML files and is used by CAST Server Manager to determine how the installation should progress. If your components are for different RDBMS, you need to provide one .pck file for each RDBMS (i.e.: one for Oracle Server, one for Microsoft SQL Server and one for the CAST Storage Service).