CAST Imaging Tutorial Application

Summary: This document provides information about the CAST Imaging Tutorial Application extension: what is it and and how to install and configure it for your users.


The CAST Imaging Tutorial Application provides an Analysis Schema (for import into a CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance) containing a demo Application that is dedicated for use with the Tutorial feature in CAST Imaging (available in CAST Imaging ≥ 2.2.0-beta1).

The Tutorial feature is an interactive guide to help you understand the various features available in CAST Imaging. It provides an application walkthrough using three major steps to explain application architecture, drill down capabilities and annotations. Each step has a set of actions defined for you to work through. Certain actions also have a help button to identify the elements. Following all the steps and actions will provide a better understanding of the core CAST Imaging capabilities. The steps in the tutorial require that the dedicated "demo" Application is available in your CAST Imaging instance. The steps below explain how to configure this.

Configuring the Tutorial

Step 1 - Download and extract the CAST Imaging Tutorial Application extension

Download the CAST Imaging Tutorial Application extension from Extract the ZIP file and locate the schema backup within:

Step 2 - Restore the schema dump into your CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance

Import the schema dump into your CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance - this instance should be accessible by CAST Imaging in order to complete Step 6 (see below). To import the schema, you need to use PGAdmin (this is provided with AIP Core or can be downloaded for free). Select the postgres database and then click Tools > Restore on the toolbar:

In the Restore dialog, choose Custom or tar:

Now click the "..." option under Filename:

In the Select file dialog, ensure that the "sql" format option is selected otherwise the .sql file will not be listed, then find the mysampleapp_local.sql file from the downloaded and unzipped extension:

Now ensure that you choose the postgres role and then start the restore:

When the restore process is complete, you should see a schema called mysampleapp_local (you may need to refresh the view):

Step 3 - Perform export/import of the Application into your CAST Imaging instance

Perform the export/import of the demo Application contained in the restored schema dump to make it available in your CAST Imaging instance. This process is described in detail in Automation tool export and import process. The name of the Application will be required for the APPS parameter in the etl_config.json file - this is MySampleApp. For example:

"APPS" : "MySampleApp",

Step 4 - Grant Application access permissions to users/groups that need to use the tutorial

When you have completed the export/import of the demo Application, you will need to grant access to this Application to your users - i.e. the users/groups that need to use the Tutorial feature. See Grant an application permission in Admin Center - Users panel:

Step 5 - Enable the Tutorial feature in CAST Imaging

Out of the box in CAST Imaging, the Tutorial feature is disabled. You will need to manually enable it as described below:

Tutorial option is briefly unavailable in 2.19, but will be made available soon (in future releases).

When the Tutorial is enabled, the next time a user logs in to CAST Imaging, the Tutorial feature will be displayed:

And can also be accessed via the following icon:

Step 6 - Configure the source code viewer for the imported Application

The Tutorial includes some steps that refer to the source code of the imported demo Application (MySampleApp). In order for these steps to function correctly, you should configure the source code viewer for the imported MySampleApp application. See Configure the source code viewer for more information.