Links between objects are displayed as follows:

Link typeDescription
Direct link

These are direct links between two objects. This is shown in the Object level view with a narrow grey line as shown in the image below. The arrow head denotes the direction of the link, i.e in the image below, the Java Method getQueue is directly accessing the Java Method generateQueueName object. The link type is shown above and below the link. In the example below this is an Access Execute link:

When the link is typed as "References", this indicates that there is one or more links between the nodes (groups of objects) - these types of links can occur in Levels 1 to 5 and also in the Object level view). For example, in the image below, there are 52 references between SQL Server Procedures and SQL Server Tables at Level 5:

Double clicking this link will show more detail and drill down to the Object level view:

Escalated link

Escalated Links represent an indirect link between two objects For example:

  • a child object of a parent object could be linked directly to another parent object causing an escalated link between the two parent objects
  • or a child object of a parent object could be linked directly to a child object of another parent object, causing an indirect link between the two parent objects.

These links are shown as follows::

  • with a narrow dashed grey line
  • with a number in brackets indicating the number of indirect links between the items
  • always with the name "References" shown in the image below where two Java Classes have one single indirect link between them:

Single clicking the link to view the content reveals that the child getConnection Java Method has a direct link to the SQLException Java Class:

Clicking the box will show the direct links:

Note also that an escalated link can be made up of any number of indirect links, in other words, there may well be more than one child object that interacts with other child objects. If this is the case, the 

Single clicking confirms this:

And clicking the box displays this:


The origin/certainty of the links along with the previously available aipLinkType (if available) is displayed. 

is_lnk.csv file contains a new column to qualify the "origin" of the relationships. This is imported as a property of the relationships; aipLinkOrigin. This "origin" will be interpreted to qualify the "certainty" of the relationship.

 Below table lists the Mapping Pattern

csv valuedisplayed value
Dynamic Not ReviewedPattern matching 
Dynamic ReviewedPattern matching
Dynamic Database AccessPattern matching
Virtual CallVirtual function
<no value>Static
<value from Universal linker>Protocol