This documentation is not maintained. Please refer to to find the latest updates.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
37064Removes Wrong NodeJS unknown database. Correction is made to prevent the erroneous creation of "NodeJS Unknown Database" objects. So removing the objects also removes links to these objects.

Other Updates

Data entity objects are set as data entity in the default TCC configuration. The way NodeJS objects are handled for Function Points has changed. Following objects are now handled as "Data Entity" objects for Function Point: CAST_NodeJS_S3_Bucket, CAST_NodeJS_Unknown_S3_Bucket, CAST_NodeJS_Azure_Blob_Container, CAST_NodeJS_Azure_Unknown_Blob_Container, CAST_NodeJS_CosmosDB_Collection, CAST_NodeJS_CosmosDB_Unknown_Collection, CAST_NodeJS_MongoDB_Collection, CAST_NodeJS_Unknown_MongoDB_Collection, CAST_NodeJS_Marklogic_Collection, CAST_NodeJS_Collection, CAST_NodeJS_Redis_Collection, CAST_NodeJS_Unknown_Redis_Collection


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
36024Fixed missing link between HTML function and MongoDB collection.
36524Fixed missing nodejs Express operations.
32299Fixed link to SQL query not from good caller.
36236Fixed missing nodejs SQL query object.
34349Fixed missing link to NodeJS MongoDB collection
Callee TypeCaller TypeDetails
JavaScript Function orAWS API Gateway or AWS Lambda.Fixed missing link to lambda handler.

Other Updates

Update type description for AWS objects.
Remove Region symbols for support AWS S3 with SDK V2.
Remove CAST_HTML5_JavaScript_SourceCode symbols which were created due to use of any external library other than the Node.js "fs" module.

New Support

Support AWS SDK V3 for SNSThe AWS SDK V3 is now supported for SNS.
Support AWS SDK V3 for S3The AWS SDK V3 is now supported for S3.
Support AWS SDK V3 for SQSThe AWS SDK V3 is now supported for SQS.
Support Azure blobsThe use of Azure blobs is now supported.
Support AWS SDK V3 for DynamoDBThe AWS SDK V3 is now supported for DynamoDB.
Support Azure Service BusThe use of Azure Service Bus is now supported.