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NodeJS Azure Service Bus Publisher and NodeJS Azure Service Bus Receiver objects are created when the following methods are used:

Object created

Methods from ServiceBusClient from @azure/service-bus package

Methods from ServiceBusService from azure-sb package
NodeJS Azure Service Bus Publisher


createSender, createReceiver
NodeJS Azure Service Bus ReceiverreceiveMessages, peekMessages, subscribe, getMessageIterator, receiveDeferredMessagesreceiveQueueMessage, receiveSubscriptionMessage
  • The name of the object created is that of the Queue (or the Topic). Whenever the evaluation of the Queue (or Topic) name fails, an Unknown object is created.
  • For publishers, a callLink  from the callable object (usually Function or Method) containing the call (to the supported method) to the publisher is added (see example below).
  • For receivers, some APIs (such as the subscribe API) require providing a handler function, in such case a callLink is created from the receiver to that handler. In other cases, a callLink is added from the receiver to the callable object (usually a Function or a Method) containing the call to the supported method (see example below).
  • Whenever an Azure Service Bus Publisher has the same name as an Azure Service Bus Receiver, thcom.castsoftware.wbslinker extension will create a call link from the Publisher to the Receiver.

When analyzing the following source code:

import { ServiceBusClient, ServiceBusMessage, ServiceBusMessageBatch } from "@azure/service-bus";

function my_publish(Messages){
	const sbClient = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);
    const sender = sbClient.createSender("MyQueue");
	await sender.sendMessages(Messages);

function my_receive(){
    const sbClient = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString);
	let receiver = sbClient.createReceiver("MyQueue", {
		receiveMode: "receiveAndDelete"
	let messages = await receiver.receiveMessages(1);

the following results are produced:

Click to enlarge