How to run code analyses using Docker
Are you regularly using Docker and would you like to run the CAST Imaging Analyzer in a Docker container? Look no further, because this is possible! CAST provides the analyzer tool as an image on Docker Hub that is regularly updated.
How does it work?
The containerized CAST Imaging Analyzer is run direct from the command line on your machine and results are uploaded to CAST Imaging Cloud automatically.
Command line:
docker run --rm --pull always -v {SOURCE_CODE_PATH}:/home/carl/extras/source -v {CACHE_PATH}:/home/carl/extras/extensions castimaging/imaging-docker-analyzer:latest -ak {API_KEY} -n {APP_NAME}
- is the path to the local folder containing your source code{CACHE_PATH}
- is the path to a local folder where extensions will be downloaded and cached{API_KEY}
- is your CAST Imaging Cloud API key{APP_NAME}
- is your Application Name
Note that:
--pull always
- usingalways
will ensure that the image is always updated to the latest version before the analysis is run (recommended)--rm
will automatically delete the container when the analysis is complete, remove this parameter if you want to access the container after the analysis is complete.
For example:
docker run --rm --pull always -v /home/CAST/app1:/home/carl/extras/source -v /home/CAST/extensions:/home/carl/extras/extensions castimaging/imaging-docker-analyzer:latest -ak NG8pzC3I.6R8EI5vBR3qaNZO -n APP1