Overview - Advanced Platform Configuration section


This section is only displayed if you have configured more than one of either of the following:

  • Multiple CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instances for analysis or measurement requirements - see CSS and Measurement settings.
  • Multiple nodes, i.e. you are running CAST Imaging in distributed/enterprise mode which allows for multiple Nodes to be configured

It allows you to select the specific target CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance (for the database schemas required for the new application) OR the target Node (for deep analysis requirements). If you do not make a selection - i.e. you leave the options set to “ANY”, CAST Imaging will function in “load balancing” mode and will choose the CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL or Node automatically.

Technical notes

  • If you have ALREADY run a deep analysis, the UI will prevent you from choosing a different CAST Storage Service instance or Node for any subsequent analysis related actions to ensure stability.
  • Load Balancing behaviour, when ANY is selected:
    • CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL > For the deep analysis step (result storage), the CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance with the lowest number of CAST related schemas already stored on it will be used.
    • Nodes > For the deep analysis step, the least busy node running the same release of AIP Core as used for the initial fast scan will be selected.
  • Node manual selection > only nodes running the same release of CAST Imaging Core as used for the initial fast scan of the onboarding process will be made available for selection - this is to prevent analysis errors. This may mean that it is not possible to choose a specific node.
  • See also Managing a node.