Overview - Analysis Reports section


This section is only displayed when an analysis has been actioned. It displays a report on analyzed/not analyzed files using data from the most recent analysis, therefore if you have changed the application source code since the most recent analysis (using the New Scan button - see Header) you will need to run a new analysis in order for the data in this section to be accurate.

Column headings

File Extensions

A list of file extensions found in the delivered source code. Extensions are grouped by technology/language - and the extension that is displayed by default (the primary extension) is the extension with the largest number of files in the delivered source code. Other related file extensions that are found will also be displayed alongside:


Technology or language of the file as detected by CAST Imaging.

Fully Analyzed

The total number of files of this type that were analyzed during the most recent analysis process. This number is taken directly from the storage schema in which the analysis results are stored, in other words this number reflects the number of files that were saved as part of the analysis process.

Not Analyzed

The total number of files of this type that were sent for analysis by CAST Console but were not analyzed during the most recent analysis process (e.g. they were not saved in the results):

Clicking the number will display the following dialog box, providing a list of all the unanalyzed files:

A reason (where possible) will be given in the Reason column:

These reasons correspond to Project Exclusion Rules set via the File Filter button (see Content):

View Logs

Clicking this icon will direct you straight to the Run analysis log files.

Search icon

The search option allows you to filter for specific text. The search functions on the columns File Extensions, Technology/Language and CAST Extensions:

Download icon

Click to download the report as a .CSV file. When opened in Microsoft Excel (or equivalent), two tabs are available:

  • Source Files Analysis Summary: displays an overview, i.e. the same data available in the UI.
  • Details: displays a list of files with their primary file extension, their technology, the list of CAST extensions that support the technology, and the status (excluded, analyzed, not analyzed).


Clicking a number in the list will open a popup with more details about the files:

To make results easy to use, some files are ignored and are not listed in this report:

  • all files with extensions that are not associated directly to a programming language (all resources or data languages for example, or project files like xml, http or json).
  • all files with patterns such as .git, .svn, node-modules, org-eclipse, CCAU\.abap, IP\.abap
  • special files like package-info.java, *CT.abap, *CP.abap, hh, h++, hpp, hcc, h, hxx, ph
  • files resulting from CAST Database extractions such as .castextraction or .uaxdirectory, because they are not directly associated with a language or extension.