Right panel - Tags

Displays a list of tags associated with any of the objects or nodes in the view. Tags fall into two categories:

  • tags that have been manually added to an object or node. These are listed under the Custom heading - in the image above, there is one tag called “Test tag”
  • tags that have been automatically added by CAST. These are listed under the Property heading, for example for:
    • Status: is the object or node (i.e. the objects in the node) considered Added/Deleted/Unchanged in these results
    • External Libraries: iis the object or node (i.e. the objects in the node) provided by a third-party framework or library
    • Module: does the object belong to a specific module
    • Service: does the object belong to a specific service type

Tags are interactive, i.e. clicking them will highlight the object(s) or node(s) in the view which have the tag assigned to them: