What software do I need?

Microsoft Windows

  • Windows 10/11 64bit, Windows Server 2016/2019/2022 64bit (Server Core is not supported)
  • Java JDK (≥ 17 LTS and ≤ 20 64bit), with appropriate %JAVA_HOME% system environment variable

Local user permissions


  • Local administrator privileges (ability to Run as administrator on Microsoft Windows)
  • The ability to execute Powershell scripts is required during the installation process on Microsoft Windows machines
  • The user account running a CAST Imaging installation requires Full Control permissions (either directly or as a member of a group) on the root folder where CAST Imaging components will be installed, for example:

Full Control

Microsoft Windows Services

The user account assigned to the Microsoft Windows Services requires Full Control permissions (either directly or as a member of a group) on the following folders:

Shared network location for common-data/delivery/deploy

Linux via Docker

  • Linux 64bit (derivatives of Red Hat / Debian - recent stable releases)
  • Docker Engine ≥ 20.10 (must be installed on the host machine)
  • Docker Compose, latest stable release embedded in Docker Engine recommended (or at least ≥ 2.x).
  • Local administrator privileges (user in the sudoers list on Linux)
  • Access to https://hub.docker.com/external link on port 443 via TCP

General requirements

CAST Extend


  • A valid global CAST Imaging license key (provided by your CAST sales contact), either:
    • a CD license (Contibuting Developers)
    • a Named Application license

Browsers for access

Browser Minimum supported release
Microsoft Edge 44 and above
Mozilla Firefox 95 and above
Google Chrome most recent only
Safari 12 and above