Installation on Linux via Docker


This install option is specifically for:

  • Docker running on a Linux operating system
  • those wanting to perform a clean install (see In-place component update if you have already performed an installation and now want to update to a newer release)

The installation media is provided in com.castsoftware.imaging.all.dockerexternal link and comprises an installation script and various configuration files. All Docker images are pulled direct from https://hub.docker.comexternal link during the installation.

The following components are provided as Docker images:

  • CAST Imaging Services including:
    • CAST Dashboards
    • Database instance additional remote database instances can also be declared post install
  • CAST Imaging Viewer
  • CAST Imaging Node Service including:
    • CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4

The installation script is completely flexible and allows you to install in whichever way suits your environment:

  • All components on one machine in a single Docker instance
  • Components distributed across multiple machines in separate Docker instances (load balancing mode - this is the recommended installation method)

This flexibility is achieved by running the installation script with specific install commands:

Install type Command Components installed Containers created
Single machine all All components - one machine installation scenario. If you choose this option, you must ensure that your machine has sufficient resources to run all components: see Requirements.
  • admin-center
  • analysis-node
  • auth-service
  • console
  • dashboards
  • etl
  • gateway
  • neo4j
  • open_ai_manager
  • postgres
  • server
  • sso-service
Distributed imaging-services
  • CAST Imaging Services
  • CAST Dashboards
  • Database instance
  • admin-center
  • auth-service
  • console
  • dashboards
  • gateway
  • postgres
  • sso-service
Distributed imaging-viewer
  • CAST Imaging Viewer
  • etl
  • neo4j
  • open_ai_manager
  • server
Distributed analysis-node
  • CAST Imaging Node Service (includes CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4)
  • analysis-node


Step 1 - Determine your installation method

  • If you are installing all components on one machine, connect to the machine and proceed to Step 2. Ensure that your machine has sufficient resources to run all components: see Requirements.

  • Alternatively, if you want to install the components on multiple machines, you need to determine which machine will run the CAST Imaging Services (imaging-services) components because these components must be installed first before any others. Connect to this machine and then proceed to Step 2.

Step 2 - Download the installation media

Download the latest release of the installer using curl:

curl -# -O -J "<version>?platform=linux_x64" -H "x-nuget-apikey: <api-key>" -H "accept: application/octet-stream"


  • -#: enables a download progress bar.
  • -O: (--remote-name) ensures the file is downloaded and saved to the current folder using the same name as the remote file.
  • -J: (--remote-header-name) ensures the -O option uses the server-specified Content-Disposition filename instead of extracting a filename from the URL. If the server-provided filename contains a path, that is stripped off before the filename is used.
  • <version>: defines the specific release you want to download: use latest to download the most recent release, or specify the specific release, e.g.: 3.0.0-beta13.
  • -H: (--header) defines the additional header to include in information sent.
  • <api-key>: defines your CAST Extend API key. You can obtain this from link.

For example to download the latest release:

curl -# -O -J "" -H "x-nuget-apikey: a9999a9a-c999-999d-999b" -H "accept: application/octet-stream"

Unzip the resulting file anywhere on your local disk. The following files/folders will be visible:

  • cast_imaging_node (folder)
  • cast_imaging_services (folder)
  • cast_imaging_viewer (folder)
  • (file)
  • configuration.conf (file)

Step 3 - Configure your installation

Locate the configuration.conf file at the root of the unzipped files and open it in a text editor such as nano or vi. Change only the following:

  • IMAGING_SERVICES_HOSTNAME, IMAGING_VIEWER_HOSTNAME, IMAGING_NODE_HOSTNAME: for each entry, configure the current machine’s FQDN (fully qualified domain name) or its static IP address - run the command hostname -f (FQDN) or hostname -I (IP address) to determine this:
    • for a single machine installation scenario, all three entries should be the same.
    • for a distributed installation scenario, you should enter the FQDN/IP address of the machine that will host that particular service. Ensure that machines can communicate with each other over the network, whichever option you use (FQDN/IP address).
  • IMAGING_NODE_VOLUME_DELIVERY_FOLDER, IMAGING_NODE_VOLUME_DEPLOY_FOLDER, IMAGING_NODE_VOLUME_SHARED_FOLDER: set the path of the required data folders (as described in file storage requirements):
    • for a single machine installation scenario, use local folders
    • for a distributed installation scenario with multiple node machines, use locally mounted network share drives so that all nodes can access the same resources, for example: /mnt/shared/delivery. Note that the paths must be identical on each machine and that UNC paths are not supported.
  • IMAGING_VIEWER_VOLUME_SHARED_FOLDER: set the path of the folder which will be used by the imaging-viewer component for its configuration files. This should be a folder on the local machine, but should NOT exist already.

For example for a distributed installation scenario:



Step 4 - Make files executable

Run the following commands to ensure that the installation scripts are executable:

chmod +x

If you are installing the CAST Imaging Viewer component on this machine (via the all or imaging-viewer commands), then you must also run the following commands, where:

  • <path>: points to the grandparent folder of the folder defined for the variable IMAGING_VIEWER_VOLUME_SHARED_FOLDER. For example, if you have set IMAGING_VIEWER_VOLUME_SHARED_FOLDER=/home/CAST/imaging-viewer then you should run chmod -R u+rwx /home
  • <user>: set to the username of the user that will run the installation script
chmod +x cast_imaging_viewer/imagingsetup
chmod -R u+rwx <path>
chown <user>:<user> -R <path>

Step 5 - Run the installation

Scenario 1 - Install all components on one machine

Run the following command:

./ all

On completion, check the status of the various Docker containers - there should be 12 in total:

docker ps

Scenario 2 - Install components on multiple machines

On each machine on which you want to install a component, ensure that you follow Step 2, Step 3 and Step 4, i.e.:

  • download and unzip the installation media on each machine on which you want to install a component
  • ensure the configuration.conf file on each machine is identical
  • ensure the relevant files are executable

Then run the appropriate installation command on each machine for the component you would like to install. Ensure that the imaging-services component is always installed first and is completed before any other components are installed:

./ imaging-services
./ imaging-viewer
./ analysis-node

On completion, check the status of the various Docker containers:

docker ps
Command No. of containers
imaging-services 7
imaging-viewer 4
analysis-node 1

Step 6 - Post install tasks

Set permissions on persistent volumes

For each CAST Imaging Node Service (analysis-node) you have installed (including where you have used the all command) you must execute the following command on each machine to ensure that the root user has access to the persistent volumes shared with the CAST Imaging Node container, where:

  • <root_data_folder>: points to the root of the data folder. For example, if you have set IMAGING_NODE_VOLUME_DELIVERY_FOLDER=//machine/shared/delivery then you should run chmod -R u+rwx //machine/shared
chown -R 0:0 <root_data_folder>

Open firewall ports

To ensure that:

  • your users can access all CAST Imaging resources in their browser
  • CAST Imaging components can communicate correctly in a multi-machine installation scenario

…you should ensure that port 8090 (TCP) is opened inbound on the machine hosting the imaging-services component (this is also valid for one machine installations using the all option).

Step 7 - Initial start up configuration

When the install is complete, browse to the URL below and login using the default local admin/admin credentials:


You will be prompted to configure:

  • your licensing strategy. Choose either a Named Application strategy (where each application you onboard requires a dedicated license key entered when you perform the onboarding), or a Contributing Developers strategy (a global license key based on the number of users):

License key

CAST Extend settings

As a final check, browse to the URL below and ensure that you have at least one CAST Imaging Node Service, the CAST Dashboards and the CAST Imaging Viewer components listed:



Step 8 - Configure authentication

Out-of-the-box, CAST Imaging is configured to use Local Authentication via a simple username/password system. Default login credentials are provided (admin/admin) with the global ADMIN profile so that installation can be set up initially.

CAST recommends configuring CAST Imaging to use your on-premises enterprise authentication system such as LDAP or SAML Single Sign-on instead before you start to onboard applications. See Authentication for more information.

What is installed?

The following Docker containers will be created and are set to start automatically:

Command Container (Port)
  • postgres (2285)
  • gateway (8090)
  • console (8091)
  • auth-service (8092)
  • sso-service (8096)
  • dashboards (8097)
  • admin-center (2281, 8098)
  • neo4j (7473, 7474, 7687)
  • etl (9001)
  • open_ai_manager (8082)
  • server (9000, 8084, 8083)
  • analysis-node (8089)

What about analysis data storage?

All analysis data will be stored in the folders you defined in the configuration.conf file.

What happens if a container does not start?

If a container fails to start, run the following command to display the container logs - this will give an indication of what may have gone wrong:

docker logs <container_name>

Uninstall process

Remove everything from your Docker instance

Run the following command to stop all running containers on your Docker instance:

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

Now run the following commands to completely remove all containers:

docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

Now run the following command to completely remove all images:

docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)

Now run the following command to completely remove all build cache:

docker builder prune -a

Now run the following command to show any data left behind. This should only list volumes:

docker system df -v

The volumes contain generated data for analyses and the database instance. If you want to ALSO remove the data volumes, run the following command, but note that this process cannot be reversed:

docker volume prune -a

Finally, delete the installer ZIP file, the unzipped folder and any installation folders.

Run the following commands to stop the imaging-services containers:

cd /<unzipped-folder>/cast-imaging-service
docker compose down

Run the following commands to stop the node containers:

cd ../cast-imaging-node
docker compose down

Run the following commands to stop the viewer containers:

// go to the "viewer" install location, by default this is set to `/home/CAST/imaging-Viewer` (defined as imaging_path below)
cd $imaging_path
docker compose down

Finally run the following commands to remove the images:

docker images | grep $servicename | awk '{print $3}' | xargs -I {} docker rmi -f {}
docker image prune

What is not removed?

  • Analysis data files in the folders defined by the variables IMAGING_NODE_VOLUME_xxx
  • Viewer data files in the folder defined by the variable IMAGING_VIEWER_VOLUME_SHARED_FOLDER
  • Any application schemas on additional remote database instances you have been using.

If you intend to perform a clean install on the same machine(s) you should ensure that these items are removed first.