Installation on Microsoft Windows


This install option is specifically for:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • those wanting to perform a clean install (see In-place component update if you have already performed an installation and now want to update to a newer release)

The installation media is provided in com.castsoftware.imaging.consoleexternal link and comprises an installation script (.bat file), various configuration files and the binaries themselves.

The following components are provided:

  • CAST Imaging Services including:
    • CAST Dashboards
  • CAST Imaging Viewer
  • CAST Imaging Node Service (does not include CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4)

The installation script is completely flexible and allows you to install in whichever way suits your environment:

  • All components on one machine
  • Each component distributed across multiple dedicated machines, optionally with multiple CAST Imaging Node Services (i.e. load balancing mode - this is the recommended installation method)

This flexibility is achieved by running the installation script with specific install commands on specific machines:

Install type Command Configuration file Components installed
Single machine all config-all.conf All components - single machine installation scenario. If you choose this option, you must ensure that your machine has sufficient resources to run all components: see Requirements.

  • the CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4external link component, which is not included in the installer and must be downloaded and installed separately on the same machine.
  • access to the database component, which is not included in the installer and must be downloaded and installed separately either on the same or another dedicated machine.
Distributed imaging-services config-imaging-services.conf
  • CAST Imaging Services
  • CAST Dashboards
Should only be installed once (on a single machine) per installation of CAST Imaging.

  • access to the database component, which is not included in the installer and must be downloaded and installed separately either on the same or another dedicated machine.
Distributed imaging-viewer config-imaging-viewer.conf
  • CAST Imaging Viewer
Should only be installed once (on a single machine) per installation of CAST Imaging.

  • access to the imaging-services component.
  • access to the database component, which is not included in the installer and must be downloaded and installed separately either on the same or another dedicated machine.
Distributed analysis-node config-analysis-node.conf
  • CAST Imaging Node Service
Can be installed multiple times, once per separate dedicated machine to load balance.

  • access to the imaging-services component.
  • the CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4external link component, which is not included in the installer and must be downloaded and installed separately on the same machine.
  • access to the database component, which is not included in the installer and must be downloaded and installed separately either on the same or another dedicated machine.


Step 1 - Determine your installation method

If you are installing all components on one machine, connect to the machine and proceed to Step 2. Ensure that your machine has:

Alternatively, if you want to install the components on multiple machines, you first need to determine which machine will run the CAST Imaging Services (imaging-services) component because this component must be installed first before any others. Connect to this machine and then proceed to Step 2. Ensure the following:

  • all machines must have access to the database component. This is not included in the installer and must be downloaded and installed separately either on the same or another dedicated machine BEFORE you begin the installation.
  • machines on which you are installing the analysis-node component require the CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4external link component, which is not included in the installer and must be downloaded and installed separately on the same machine BEFORE you begin the installation of the analysis-node component.

Step 2 - Download the installation media

Download the latest release of the installer and unzip it anywhere on your local disk. The following files and folders will be visible:

Step 3 - Configure your installation

*.conf files

Locate the *.conf files at the root of the unzipped files. Open the files with a text editor and update the installation variables:

  • If you want to install all components on a single machine, update only the config-all.conf file.
  • If you want to install components on separate dedicated machines, update the following files, depending on your installation scenario:
    • config-imaging-services.conf
    • config-imaging-viewer.conf
    • config-analysis-node.conf

Open firewall ports

In a multi-machine/distributed installation scenario, to ensure that:

  • your users will be able to access all CAST Imaging resources in their browser
  • CAST Imaging components can communicate correctly with each other correctly

…you should ensure that all ports listed in Hardware requirements are opened inbound on the relevant machine.

In a single machine installation scenario, only port 8090 (TCP) is should be opened inbound if you need to access CAST Imaging from another machine on the network.


If you want to avoid having to manually input the global license key and the CAST Extend API key on first login to CAST Imaging (see below) use the LICENSE_KEY and EXTEND_API_KEY as explained in Microsoft Windows installation variables.

CAST_INSTALLATION_CONF Microsoft Windows system environment variable

By default, the CAST Imaging installer will store information/properties files related to the installation in the following folder on disk:


This information is re-used during in-place updates to a new release and during product uninstall. If you would prefer to store this folder in another location, you can set a Microsoft Windows system environment variable called CAST_INSTALLATION_CONF on all machines where you will install CAST Imaging components and point it to a local folder of your choice:

Step 4 - Run the installation

Scenario 1 - Install all components on one machine

Open a CMD window with elevated permissions (right click, Run as administrator) and execute the following command from the root of the unzipped files:

cast-imaging-install.bat package=all

On completion, check the status of the various Microsoft Windows Services, there should be 11:

Scenario 2 - Install components on multiple machines

On each machine on which you want to install a component, ensure that you follow Step 2 and Step 3, i.e.:

  • download and unzip the installation media on each machine on which you want to install a component
  • ensure the relevant *.conf file on each machine contains the correct installation variables

Then open a CMD window with elevated permissions (right click, Run as administrator) and execute the appropriate installation command on each machine for the component you would like to install. Ensure that the imaging-services component is always installed first and is completed before any other components on other machines are installed:

cast-imaging-install.bat package=imaging-services
cast-imaging-install.bat package=imaging-viewer
cast-imaging-install.bat package=analysis-node

On completion, check the status of the various Microsoft Windows Services:

.conf file No. of services
package=imaging-services 6
package=imaging-viewer 5
package=analysis-node 1

Step 5 - Initial start up configuration

When the install is complete, connect to CAST Imaging using your browser via the following URL:

  • http://localhost:8090 if you are using the machine on which the imaging-services component has been installed
  • http://PUBLIC_URL:8090 from a remote machine on the network

Login using the default admin/admin credentials. You will be prompted to configure:

  • your licensing strategy. Choose either a Named Application strategy (where each application you onboard requires a dedicated license key entered when you perform the onboarding), or a Contributing Developers strategy (a global license key based on the number of users):

License key

CAST Extend settings

As a final check, browse to the URL below and ensure that you have at least one node, the CAST Imaging Viewer and the CAST Dashboard components listed:



Step 6 - Configure authentication

Out-of-the-box, CAST Imaging is configured to use Local Authentication via a simple username/password system. Default login credentials are provided (admin/admin) with the global ADMIN profile so that installation can be set up initially.

CAST recommends configuring CAST Imaging to use your on-premises enterprise authentication system such as LDAP or SAML Single Sign-on instead before you start to onboard applications. See Authentication for more information.

What is installed?

The following Microsoft Windows services, set to start automatically and running with LocalSystem:

CAST Imaging Services

  • CAST Imaging Authentication
  • CAST Imaging Console Service
  • CAST Imaging Control Panel
  • CAST Imaging Dashboards
  • CAST Imaging Gateway Service
  • CAST Imaging SSO Service

CAST Imaging Viewer:

  • CAST Imaging Viewer Frontend
  • CAST Imaging Viewer ETL
  • CAST Imaging Viewer Backend
  • CAST Imaging Neo4j Graph Database

CAST Imaging Analysis Node

  • CAST Imaging Analysis Node

Uninstall process

The installation media contains a dedicated uninstaller script called cast-imaging-remove.bat. To run the uninstaller, open a CMD window with elevated permissions (right click, Run as administrator) and execute the relevant command from the root of the unzipped files to remove the required component depending on what is installed on the current machine:

cast-imaging-remove.bat package=all
cast-imaging-remove.bat package=imaging-services
cast-imaging-remove.bat package=imaging-viewer
cast-imaging-remove.bat package=analysis-node

The relevant *.conf files should contain the Installation variables that match the components you have installed.

The installer will remove all components and related Microsoft Windows Services, including the following database items (the uninstaller will use the *.conf file to obtain details of the target database instance):

  • keycloak_v3 database
  • admin_center schema
  • analysis_node schema

What is not removed?

  • Any schemas associated with applications stored on your database instance(s), e.g. <app_name>_local, <app_name>_central, <app_name>_mngt.
  • general_measure schema (or equivalent name).
  • CAST Imaging Core, wherever this component has been installed. Use the Add or remove programs feature to uninstall.
  • CAST Storage Service, wherever this component has been installed. Use the Add or remove programs feature to uninstall.