Oracle Forms and Reports - 1.0

Extension ID


What’s new?

See Release Notes.


This extension provides support for the analysis of Oracle Forms and Reports applications, specifically for CAST Imaging v3.


Core release Operating System Supported
v3/8.4.x Microsoft Windows / Linux
v2/8.3.x Microsoft Windows

Function Point, Quality and Sizing support

  • Function Points (transactions): a green tick indicates that OMG Function Point counting and Transaction Risk Index are supported
  • Quality and Sizing: a green tick indicates that CAST can measure size and that a minimum set of Quality Rules exist
Function Points (transactions) Quality and Sizing

What about the legacy Oracle Forms and Reports analyzer?

The com.castsoftware.formsreport extension is specific to CAST Imaging v3 and does not function with v2/8.3.x. The extension should not be considered as an exact replacement for the Oracle Forms and Reports analyzer embedded in AIP Core 8.3.x and you should note that there is no supported migration path between the two.

The support for Oracle Forms and Reports provided by the com.castsoftware.formsreport extension is similar to the supported provided by the analyzer embedded in AIP Core 8.3.x, however it is not identical. If you would like to know more about the differences, please see Comparison with legacy Oracle Forms and Reports analyzer provided with 8.3.x.

Technical information

Supported releases of Oracle Forms and Reports

If you can succesfully convert your Oracle Forms and Reports files to the list of supported and accepted files (see section below), then the extension will be able to analyze them.

Supported files for analysis

This extension supports the following files for analysis:

  • .rex files for .rdf files
  • .xml files for .fmb, .mmb, .rdf and .olb files.
  • .pld files for .pll files

In otherwords, you will need to convert your Forms/Reports files before you can deliver them for analyis. This conversion process is described in the table below:

Original file Accepted file type Conversion methods

(Oracle Forms binary File / Module File)
.xml To convert .fmb files to .xml, use either of the following methods:

Oracle Forms Menu File
.xml Use the same methods as described above for .fmb files.

Oracle Object Library File
.xml Use the same methods as described above for .fmb files.

PL/SQL Library File
.pld To convert .pll files to .pld, use the File > Convert option in Oracle Forms Builder, see : link

Oracle Reports File
.xml or .rex To convert .rdf to .xml, see: link, link.

To convert .rdf to .rex, see: link.

Source code discovery

The extension will “discover” one project (and create one “Analysis Unit”) if at least one of the following files is delivered for analysis:

  • .rex
  • .xml
  • .pld

And when when at least one of the files contains content that matches the following regular expression:


What results can you expect?


Icon Object Type Description
Oracle Forms Module Object created from a FormModule tag.
Oracle Forms Function Object created with FUNCTION statements from a ProgramUnit in a xml file, DEFINE TOOL_PLSQL tag in a rex file or function tag in a Oracle Reports xml file. The same type cover Package’s function.
Oracle Forms Procedure Object created with PROCEDURE statements from a ProgramUnit in a xml file, DEFINE TOOL_PLSQL tag in a rex file or function tag in a Oracle Reports xml file. The same type cover Package’s procedure.
Oracle Forms Package Object created with PACKAGE statement from a ProgramUnit in a xml file, DEFINE TOOL_PLSQL tag in a rex file or function tag in a Oracle Reports xml file.
Oracle Forms Trigger Object created from a ProgramUnit, Trigger, DEFINE TOOL_PLSQL or a function tag.
Oracle Forms Window Object created from a Window, Alert or a LOV tag.
Oracle Forms DataBlock Object created from a Block tag.
Oracle Forms DataBlock Item Object created from an Item tag.
Oracle Forms Object Library Object created from an ObjectLibrary tag.
Oracle Forms PL/SQL Library Object created for a pld file.
Oracle Forms Menu Module Object created from a MenuModule tag.
Oracle Forms Menu Object created from a Menu tag.
Oracle Forms Menu Item Object created from a MenuItem tag.
Oracle Report Object created for a rex/xml file.
Oracle Report SQL Query Object created from a DEFINE SRW2_QUERY tag from a rzx file or a dataSource tag from a xml file.
Link Type Caller type Callee type Details / Comments
useSelect, useUpdate, useDelete, useInsert Oracle Forms Procedure, Oracle Forms Function, Oracle Forms Trigger, Oracle Report SQL Query, Oracle Forms Menu, Oracle Forms Menu Item, Oracle Forms DataBlock, Oracle Forms DataBlock Item, Oracle Forms Window Table, View, Synonym
call Oracle Forms Procedure, Oracle Forms Function, Oracle Forms Trigger, Oracle SQL Query, Oracle Forms Menu, Oracle Forms Menu Item, Oracle Forms DataBlock, Oracle Forms DataBlock Item, Oracle Forms Window Oracle Forms Procedure, Oracle Forms Function, Procedure, Function
call Oracle Forms Procedure, Oracle Forms Function, Oracle Forms Trigger, Oracle Report SQL Query, Oracle Forms Menu, Oracle Forms Menu Item, Oracle Forms DataBlock, Oracle Forms DataBlock Item, Oracle Forms Window Oracle Forms Module Via the built-in function call_form.
call Oracle Report Oracle Forms Function, Oracle Report SQL Query Each function and SQL query defined in a Oracle Report it belongs from the Oracle Report and it is seen as called by the Oracle Report
call Oracle Forms Menu Module Oracle Forms Menu When the MainMenu is specified, link the menu module with the menu.
call Oracle Forms Module Oracle Forms PL/SQL Library For the AttachedLibrary tag values.
monitor Oracle Forms Module, Oracle Forms DataBlock, Oracle Forms DataBlock Item Oracle Forms Trigger
monitorInsert, monitorUpdate, monitorDelete Oracle Forms Module, Oracle Forms DataBlock, Oracle Forms DataBlock Item Oracle Forms Trigger For the PRE/POST/ON-INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE triggers.
inherit Oracle Forms Module object Oracle Forms Object Library object Link created based on the ParentModule and ParentName attributs.

Structural rules

The following rules are provided in the extension:

Log messages


Item Description
Identifier FORMSREPORT-001
Message 'Issue during link saving %s'. 'At line %s, during saving %s'. 'During saving %s'.
Severity Warning
Explanation This warning indicates an issue during the analysis which could mean that some links between objects will not be resolved.
User Action Contact CAST Support and provide the full warning message and impacted file.