RPG language analysis results

SQL RPG examples

SQL RPG fix format example

     PDelFactArc       b                   Export
        W_Requete = 'Select * From Viewsq';
     C/Exec Sql
     C+ Prepare S1 From :W_Requete
    ‚PDelFactArc       e     

SQL RPG free format example

         SqlStmt = 'Select * From Viewsq';

         Exec Sql
         Prepare p1 From :SqlStmt ;

RPG IV Missing Physical/Logical File

In absence of Table/View with name matching:

In presence of Table/View with name matching:

The RPG IV Missing Physical/Logical File “APAGLQUA” object is created at analyzer level because com.castsoftware.rpg cannot know at that point that a Table or View exists resulting from a com.castsoftware.sqlanalyser analysis. At application level, a matching protocol is used to link “RPG IV File Disk” to the “Table” and delete the RPG IV Missing Physical/Logical File only if a match has been found.

RPG III/IV Work Station

"     Fgrpabol1  if   e           k disk                                         "
"     Fwdgrpabo  cf   e             workstn sfile(SFL:ligne_sfl)                 "
"     F                                     sfile(SFL01:Å“Å“rang1)               "
"      *====================================================================*    "

Similarly to CL language for CL Display File, the RPG III and RPG IV Work Station expected results are:

DataQ RPG example

I              'INKOOP    '          C         DTAQ

I                                        1   3 CTRL
I                                        4   9 BLVNR
C           *ENTRY    PLIST
C                     PARM           PLVNR   6
C                     PARM           DTAQL  10
C                     MOVEL'BEL'     CTRL
C                     MOVELPLVNR     BLVNR
C                     CALL 'QSNDDTAQ'
C                     PARM DTAQ      PDTAQ  10
C                     PARM DTAQL     PDTAQL 10
C                     PARM 9         LEN     50
C                     PARM           INKOOP
C                     MOVE *ON       *INLR
C                     RETRN

d DQLib           s             10    inz('*LIBL')
d DQName          s             10    inz('CONVMAIL')
d DQLen           s              5  0 inz(512)
c     snddtq        begsr
c                   call      'QSNDDTAQ'
c                   parm                    DQName
c                   parm                    DQLib
c                   parm                    DQLen
c                   parm                    DQData
c                   endsr

dcl-pr QSNDDTAQ extpgm ;
  *n char(10) const ;  //Data queue name
  *n char(10) const ;  //Library
  *n packed(5) ;       //Length of data
  *n char(100) ;       //Data
end-pr ;
for QData.Counter = 1 to 10 ;
    QData.Field1 = %char(QData.Counter) ;
    QData.Field2 = %char(QData.Counter * 10) ;
    QData.Field3 = %char(QData.Counter * 100) ;
    QSNDDTAQ('TESTDTAQ':'MYLIB':LengthOfData:QData) ;
endfor ;

dcl-pr QSNDDTAQ extpgm ;
  *n char(10) const ;  //Data queue name
  *n char(10) const ;  //Library
  *n packed(5) ;       //Length of data
  *n char(100) ;       //Data
end-pr ;

BegSr srDTAQ;

IBM MQ RPG example

001 C                   EVAL      ODON = TestQueue                                            UTT07R

     P  GetEqMsg       B                   export                                             UTT07R
      Procedure interface                                                                  UTT07R
      -------------------                                                                  UTT07R
     D GetEqMsg        PI         12000A                                                      UTT07R
     D  Queue                        48A   value                                              UTT07R
     D  Remove                        1A   value options(*nopass)                             UTT07R
     D  WaitMillis                   10I 0 value options(*nopass)                             UTT07R
      Local variables                                                                      UTT07R
      ---------------                                                                      UTT07R
     *  The last-used queue, held in static storage for persisitence over calls              UTT07R
     D LastQueue       S                   like(Queue) static                                 UTT07R
     *  Local error code                                                                     UTT07R
     D GetError        S              4A                                                      UTT07R
     * 0Reply from user if there is an error                                                 UTT07R
     D Reply           S              1A                                                      UTT07R
     *  Alpha versions of reason code                                                        UTT07R
     D ReasonA         DS             9                                                       UTT07R
     D ReasonA4                1      4A                                                      UTT07R
     *  The data returned from MQSeries                                                      UTT07R
     D MQMessage       S          12000A                                                      UTT07R
     *  Has there been a handle error                                                        UTT07R
     D HandleErr       S              1A                                                      UTT07R
      Parameter lists                                                                      UTT07R
      ---------------                                                                      UTT07R
     * MQ get message from queue (receive message)                                           UTT07R
     C     PLMQGET       PLIST                                                                UTT07R
     C                   PARM                    CID                                          UTT07R
     C                   PARM                    HCONN                                        UTT07R
     C                   PARM                    HOBJ                                         UTT07R
     C                   PARM                    MQMD                                         UTT07R
     C                   PARM                    MQGMO                                        UTT07R
     C                   PARM                    BUFLEN                                       UTT07R
     C                   PARM                    MQMessage                                    UTT07R
     C                   PARM                    MESLEN            9 0                        UTT07R
     C                   PARM                    CCODE                                        UTT07R
     C                   PARM                    REASON                                       UTT07R
      Procedure processing                                                                 UTT07R
      --------------------                                                                 UTT07R
     *  Connect to the queue manager to ensure connection                                    UTT07R
     C                   Eval      ReasonA4 = ConnectMQM( QueueManager )                      UTT07R
     *  If the connection failed dump and exit                                               UTT07R
B001 C                   if        ReasonA4 <> *blanks                                        UTT07R
 001 C                   dump                                                                 UTT07R
 001 C                   return    GET_ERROR                                                  UTT07R
E001 C                   ENDif                                                  ReasonA4 <> *bUTT07R
     *  Open MQSeries queue                                                                  UTT07R
     C                   eval      ReasonA4 = OpenQueue( Queue )                              UTT07R
     *  If the called procedures reported an error, dump and exit                            UTT07R
B001 C                   if        ReasonA4 <> *blanks                                        UTT07R
 001 C                   dump                                                                 UTT07R
 001 C                   return    GET_ERROR                                                  UTT07R
E001 C                   ENDif                                                  ReasonA4 <> *bUTT07R
     *  Use the queue name to get the MQSeries object handle                                 UTT07R
     C                   eval      HOBJ = GetHandle( Queue )                                  UTT07R
     *  Set up the options for an MQGET call                                                 UTT07R
     *  Set to 'Get Message'                                                                 UTT07R
     C                   Z-ADD     MQGET         CID   

The value of the parameter ODON is evaluated. This parameter holds the name of the queue. Here are three examples of how the name of the queue can be declared.

    D TestQueue       S             10    INZ('TESTQUEUE    ')                              UTT07R                                                                                              
001 C                   EVAL      ODON = TestQueue                                            UTT07R

001 C                   EVAL      TestQueue = 'TESTQUEUE'                                            UTT07R
001 C                   EVAL      ODON = TestQueue                                            UTT07R

001 C                   EVAL      TestQueue = $TESTQUEUE                                            UTT07R
001 C                   EVAL      ODON = TestQueue                                            UTT07R

If there is no file in the application where $TESTQUEUE is declared, we create an unknown queue object.

REST RPG examples

Support of http_get, http_put, http_post, http_delete APIs : example for http_get API

    url = 'http://example.com:8500/cust';
    rc = http_get(url: options);
    if (rc<>1 and rc<>500);
    if rc=500;
        xml-into errMsg %xml(stmf: 'path=error doc=file');
        dsply errMsg;
        xml-into custInfo %xml(stmf: 'path=result/cust doc=file');
        dsply custInfo.name;
        dsply custInfo.street;
        dsply ( custInfo.city + ' '
                + custInfo.state + ' '
                + custInfo.postal );
    *inlr = *on;

Support of http_string API

dcl-proc translate;
   url = 'https://gateway.platform.net/language-translator/api' 
       + '/v3/translate?version=2018-05-01';

      response = http_string('POST': url: request: 'application/json');
      http_error(*omit: httpstatus);
      httpcode = %char(httpstatus);
      httpcode = http_error();


Support of http_url_get and http_url_post APIs : example for http_url_get API

   url = 'http://rss.test.com/rss/test.rss';                                                    
   filename = 'http_file.xml';                                                                  
   rc = http_url_get( url : filename );                                                                 
   if (rc <> 1);                                                                                        
      PrintLine = http_error();                                                                         

REST services with Embedded SQL

dcl-proc translate;
  url = 'http://example.com:8500/cust';
   exec SQL
     select SYSTOOLS.HTTPPOSTCLOB(:url, :hdr, :request)
       into :response
       from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1;

dcl-proc translate;
  url = 'http://example.com:8500/cust';
   exec SQL
     values QSYS2.HTTP_GET(:url, :hdr, :request)
       into :response
       from SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1;

IBM-supplied AXISC routines

Support of AXISC routine : axiscTransportSetProperty API with AXISC_PROPERTY_HTTP_METHOD parameter

dcl-proc translate;
   dcl-s url      varchar(2000);
   dcl-s request  varchar(2000);
   dcl-s response varchar(5000);
   dcl-s rcvBuf   char(5000);
   dcl-s rc       int(10);
   dcl-s propName char(200);
   dcl-s propVal  char(200);
   dcl-s transportHandle pointer;
   userid = 'apikey';
   password = '8OD0RY71zMwXjkNiBLzTN8i848R9wXMOmADjuvoKY2zw';
   url = 'https://gateway.platform.net/language-translator/api' 
       + '/v3/translate?version=2018-05-01';
   transportHandle = axiscTransportCreate(url: AXISC_PROTOCOL_HTTP11);
   if (transportHandle = *null);
     failWithError(transportHandle: 'axiscTransportCreate');
   propName = 'POST' + x'00';
   axiscTransportSetProperty( transportHandle
                            : AXISC_PROPERTY_HTTP_METHOD
                            : %addr(propName));