SQL documentation
Available extensions
Additional documentation
Additional documentation
Comparison with PL-SQL Analyzer
DDL extraction examples
Dealing with this file is analyzed against XXX variant
How to run a SQL report
Log messages
Mapping between SQL analyzers
How object identity is determined
Packaging, delivering and analyzing source code
RDBMS Table Sensitive Data
Redundant Quality Rules not included in the SQL Analyzer
SQL file categorization
System Objects
Transitioning from the CAST AIP Db2 Analyzer to the SQL Analyzer extension
Transitioning from the CAST AIP MS SQL Server Analyzer to the SQL Analyzer extension
Transitioning from the CAST AIP ASE Sybase Analyzer to the SQL Analyzer extension
Transitioning from the CAST AIP Oracle Analyzer to the SQL Analyzer extension
Upgrading SQL Analyzer when AIP core is from 8.3.16 to ≥ 8.3.28
Working with XXL or XXS tables