Log messages
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-001 |
Message | 'No schema found for file %s' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning occurs when a .src file in your source code delivery is not specified in the accompanying .uaxdirectory file (either the extraction contains errors or the .uaxdirectory file has been manually modified). In this situation, the object defined in the .src file will be automatically added to the DEFAULT schema. |
User Action | The database extraction should be re-run to ensure that the results are correct and will be accepted by the analyzer. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-002 |
Message | 'Parsing issue between line %s and line %s : %s'. 'Parsing issue on file %s, because of %s' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis which could mean that some objects will not be resolved. |
User Action | Contact CAST Support and provide the full warning message and file. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-003 |
Message | 'Issue during link saving %s'. 'At line %s, during saving %s'. 'During saving %s'. |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis which could mean that some links between objects will not be resolved. |
User Action | Contact CAST Support and provide the full warning message and impacted file. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-004 |
Message | 'Analysis issue between line %s and %s %s'. |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue in a file during the analysis, which could mean that some links/properties for the object(s) declared between the lines reported in the warning message will be missing. |
User Action | Contact CAST Support and provide the full warning message and the statement you have between the lines reported in your warning message. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-005 |
Message | 'Non supported RENAME TABLE between different schemes/databases' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis. The syntax "RENAME TABLE schema1.tableName1 TO schema2.tableName2" is not supported and the statement will be ignored. |
User Action | There is no remediation for this issue. The syntax is not supported. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-006 |
Message | 'Symbol %s cannot be analyzed.' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis which could mean that some Views will not be resolved. |
User Action | Contact CAST Support and provide the full warning message. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-007 |
Message | 'Temporary objects cannot be removed, because of %s ' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis which could cause duplicated synonyms. |
User Action | This issue can be remediated by creating a Knowledge Base Update SQL Tool job (using the CI_NO_OBJECTS table) to remove the duplicated synonyms. Contact CAST Support if the issue persists. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-008 |
Message | 'Internal issue during %s, because of %s' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis which could mean that the following CAST rule may not be triggered and its results will not be available: Avoid Artifacts with High Depth of Code (7768). |
User Action | Contact CAST Support and provide the full warning message. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-009 |
Message | 'Internal issue during %s, because of %s' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis which could mean that the following CAST rule may not be triggered and its results will not be available: Avoid Artifacts with lines longer than X characters (7784). |
User Action | Contact CAST Support and provide the full warning message. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-010 |
Message | 'Internal issue during %s, because of %s' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis which could mean that the following CAST rule may not be triggered and its results will not be available: Avoid Artifacts with SQL statement including subqueries (7808). |
User Action | Contact CAST Support and provide the full warning message. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-011 |
Message | 'Internal issue during %s, because of %s' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis which could mean that the following CAST rule may not be triggered and its results will not be available: Avoid Artifacts with High Depth of Nested Subqueries (7130). |
User Action | Contact CAST Support and provide the full warning message. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-012 |
Message | 'Internal issue during %s, because of %s' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis which could mean that the following CAST rule may not be triggered and its results will not be available: Prefer UNION ALL to UNION (7436). |
User Action | Contact CAST Support and provide the full warning message. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-013 |
Message | 'Links could not be moved from synonyms to aliased objects because of %s ' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis which is preventing the creation of links between synonyms and the aliased objects. |
User Action | This issue can be remediated by creating a Knowledge Base Update SQL Tool job (using the CI_LINKS table) to add the links that you require. Contact CAST Support if the issue persists. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-014 |
Message | 'There is no SQL file to analyze.' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis: the results of the database extraction do not conform to the correct format and it is not possible to analyze them. E.g.: you have selected a database extraction in a different format, i.e an Oracle Forms extraction. |
User Action | You should repeat the database extraction process to ensure that the results are correct, deliver these files for analysis and then re-analyze them. Contact CAST Support if the issue persists. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-015 |
Message | 'Internal issue during %s, because of %s' |
Severity | Warning |
Explanation | This warning indicates an issue during the analysis which could mean that the following CAST rule may not be triggered and its results will not be available: Avoid using SQL queries inside loops (7424). |
User Action | Contact CAST Support and provide the full warning message. |
Item | Description |
Identifier | SQL-999 |
Message | test |
Severity | Error |
Explanation | test |
User Action | test |