Release Notes - 2.3


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
48750 An update was made to the description section of the rule "Avoid using Javascript Function constructor" (1020066) concerning security and code injection..
48943 Fixes an issue causing service objects using "react-io" to fail to be resolved.

Other Updates

An update to support inclusion of .js files in .jsp files when .js references are in parameters.
An update to support "lodash/get" for link resolution.
An update to support the analysis of the files "package-lock.json", "yarn.lock" and "npm-shrinkwrap.json" (see documentation).
An update to support "wretch" (see documentation).
Fixes an issue causing missing Razor method call objects.
Fixes an issue causing a missing link between Razor Method call objects and .NET controller action objects.
Fixes an issue causing missing Razor method call objects when ternary if expression is present.
Fixes an issue causing the analysis to fail.
Fixes an issue causing the analysis to run in an infinite loop.
The filters.json file has been updated to ensure that libraries, tests or minified/empty css files are automatically skipped.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1020066 FALSE Description update (see 48750 above).


Other Updates

Fixes an error introduced in v. 2.3.1-funcrel: missing Razor method call object on "dynamodb" sample.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
48589 Fixes an issue causing a missing link between WMCommonHeader.jsp file and included JSP files.

Other Updates

Fixes an issue causing missing links from .asp pages to database tables when the log message "HTML5-044 A problem occurred when parsing vbscript code" is present in the analysis log..
Fixes an issue where resource service objects computed from strings containing html code with "href=" inside are often not correct.
Fixes an issue causing a missing vendor property for HTML5 SQL Query objects.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1020082 FALSE Updates the rule "Avoid undocumented Functions" to change the scope to include methods and constructors as well as functions.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
48221 Fixes an issue causing incorrect links to all JavaScript functions that have the same name, instead of the one referenced in the HTML5 header.

New Support

Summary Details
Support C/S links from ASP pages using ADODB COM component See documentation: